
#Обсуждение игр. Выберите букву, на которую начинается игра >>

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Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 5 Текущая : 3

the door into the bar, you can use console to the right to play
SPACE INVADERS !!! :), talk with the guy who sit alone, select dialog:
2, 2, 2, you'll go and buy a bottle of Gh'Narhl brandy, COMBINE brandy with
syntetic carvite, SAVE here because the game is a little bit buggy and when
you try now to talk with the guy again, sometimes it gives you again the
1st conversation and you lose your carvite. So talk with the same guy again
and in case its the same conversation as the one you already had, load your
saved position and it should be fine then, he will drink brandy with carvite
and fall asleep, you'll get the badge. Exit the bar, go south, you'll find
here healer being attacked by some jet-packers. While talking select dialog
3, 3, and you'll follow jet-packers then. Here is another arcade part of the
game, also quite easy to pass. After combat, you'll find injuried jet-packer.
Select dialog: 1, 2, 1, you'll have the healer's hand now, go east, north,
and east again, talk with the healer, follow him west, here you'll get
attacked by baron Kaleev and his droids, your character will run to the room
with the elevator, stand on the elevator, it will start to go down but then
blow up, USE cable on the elevator to go down, go beetween the buildings
to the east, stand on the bridge above the rails, JUMP on the train when
it will show up, in the next screen fastly JUMP on the anchion to the right of
you, JUMP to the lower entrance (on the left of the screen), go near the door,
USE droid on the air duct to the left of the door, he will open the door for
you, USE I.D card on the ordering terminal, select MEKANTHALLOR GALAXY as
the destination route to obtain a ticket, USE door to the left, USE ticket
on the terminal, go east, use keypad on the door to enter the ship.
You'll find yourself in the lounge of big spaceship. USE lift to go to
level 1, here are 2 guys speaking about healer aboard the ship. Talk to them.
Select dialog: 3, 1. Go left, USE door console, watch the transmission
for you, USE communicator, select LEVEL 3, MYRELL, exit your room, go east,
USE lift to reach level 3, go east, north, east, east, north, east, east,
USE doorconsole, use dialog: 1, 1, 1, exit the room, here you'll meet
... Далее >>

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