
#Обсуждение игр. Выберите букву, на которую начинается игра >>

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Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 49 Текущая : 20

Exploring this level you will find that there is a entity trapped in
the gem that makes up the squares 14t, 14u, 15t, 15u. Use the MINER'S CHISEL
to fracture the four sides of the gem. You last blow on the gem should come
from the location 16t. The gem should break, if it doesn't, try all four
sides again and again hit the last blow from location 16t.
Breaking the gem, you will meet the spirit of Xorphitus. Read his long
tale and then search the area at 14t to find the WIZARD'S KEY, WIZARD'S RING
and a number of other interesting items. Return to Level 1 of the Mines.
The WIZARD'S KEY will open the gates at <map of Level 1> 8p, 11l and
4g. In the 3x3 room north of the gate at 8p you will find Xorphitus'
apprentice. Talking to him will give you the clue that the Wizard's Lair
back in the castle can be opened with the WIZARD'S RING. This will be
discussed after we have completed the Mountain Area. The other two gates
opened by the Wizard's Key lead you to the Wizard's Cave.
Move to Stairs 4 on the LEVEL 1 map <14b> and exit the mines. Using the
map for the MOUNTAIN AREA, head for the TROLL BRIDGE. SAVE your game before
you reach the bridge <18s>. The Troll will ask if you will pay to pass. He
will take a LOT of money if you decide to pay. He is difficult to fight but
worth a lot of experience points. I recommend fighting him. If you find,
after a couple of attempts, that you are unable to defeat him, consider
returning to the mines for a while to build up your characters. Heading
south from the bridge, head for the "^" at 16m. You will be able to climb up
the mountain at this area. SAVE your game before climbing as you can fall
and take a lot of damage. You will need to climb up 3 times. At the top of
this place you will find large BOULDERS. Take 1 and climb <you can still
fall> back down.
Return to the Mines and move to stairs 5 on the Level 1 map <19b>.
Heading south and around a corner you will come upon a DRAWBRIDGE control
panel which is rusted. Use the MYSTERY OIL you bought from QuegQuee back in
the castle. You will then be able to open the control panel and read some
... Далее >>

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