the character selection screen, choose the HIDDEN icon using RUN, and keep holding it, then press UP, UP, UP , LEFT to highlight Shinnok's icon, and press BLOCK while still holding RUN.
Fight as Noob Saibot: Successfully complete the game with Reiko. Enter the 012 012 Kombat code in versus mode. Exit this match and enter the character selection screen, choose the HIDDEN icon using RUN, and keep holding it, then press UP, UP,LEFT to highlight Reiko's icon, and press BLOCK while still holding RUN.
Single player stage select: Enter the "Practice" menu and select the stage that appears prior to the desired stage that you wish to start at. Start a practice mode match, then immediately quit. Start a single player game to begin at the desired stage.
Kombat Kodes: Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding effect.