37 - Nova AC
39 - Redeemer AC
Last one is your mobile construction vehicle.
As for the others... Just experiment. You can have any unit you like
by doing this, nomatter what team you are sided with.
An example for any who don't follow:
The original looks like this:
You'd begin the mission with a Crusader tank and an MCV.
Let's spike it..
Now when you begin, you'll have two MCVs (Just in case), the wimpy
Crusader is gone, and you have 7 Purifiers, 4 Redeemers (For that
long range fun) and 8 Revelators (Because they just look so cool).
Naturally, you want to send small attack packs with these guys,
since they are pretty well irreplaceble, and you gotta love those
You can also change your mission goals, the briefing and some other stuff
in that file, though I'd stick to the safe side and just mess with your
***Remember that if you are reloading a saved game after you've edited
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