move closer. You will then go back to their house.
- At the house, you will see Eiichi raping Yuki. After a bit of talking
you will be back at your house. Look and think about everything. You will
then setup a meeting with Eiichi. Look and talk about everything. You
will wind up back at your house. Again think and look at everything.
After that, Yuki will call. You will then go to her house. Talk to her.
When it comes up, choose take her. This will start the first sex scene of
the game.
- The next day starts at the Okamura house. Look, talk, ask, and think
about everything. You will then go to school. Again, you have to find
Emi. Go to the nurses office. Talk to her. Then asker her about the
request. Choose ok. Talk to her again. Keep talking to her untill she
says the same thing. Then ask about Kumi. Then leave and go to the gym.
- When you enter the gym, talk to Kumi. Talk to her a few times, then
choose think about curing her. Keep doing that untill it brings up 3
choices. Choose 3. It will bring up 3 more, then choose forbidden drill.
When you get the chance, choose go in her(or tease if you want). It will
then ask if you want to use a condom. I dont know what the difference is
so choose what you want. You will end up outside of the gym, so go back
inside. Talk to Kumi, then choose your alright. Now Kumi is cured(by the
way you can come back and screw her as many times as you want :). Now go
to the nurse.
- When you get to the nurse choose present(if the nurse isn't there,
go to a different floor then come back). Then leave the nurses office.
Explore the area some more, then go to room 2-B. Emi should be there. If
not, go outside and try talking to everyone there. You will then go back
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