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Игра: Aces of the Deep (English language)

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 6

First of all, watch the geo plot. At the easy levels of realism, the escorts
will be visible, as will their sonar pulses. Watch the red lines that spread
out like wheel spokes; these denote bearing to a pinging escort. At high levels
of realism, the red lines are all that appear. Now watch how the escorts attack.

Having located the U-boat with active sonar, the escort will close on the
target. As the escort closes, but before the depth charges are dropped, the
pinging of the radar will suddenly stop. At this time, turn 90 degrees off the
base course in either direction. The deeper you are, the more time the depth
charges will require before going off, and the more time to clear the area.

While playing at high levels of realism, wait until the red spokes suddenly
seem to change direction 180 degrees. This means a direct pass over the sub.
The end of the pinging, along with the change of direction of the red spokes
signifies the time to make a fast move. An increase of speed can be used to get
clear, but remember to limit the time of the burst.

Whenever possible, maintain heading pointing directly at, or away from, an
escort (red spokes). Should one escort be moving more than others, it is
closest to your boat. Pointing the boat at the escort limits the available
cross section that the sonar ping has to return on. Should more than one escort
be close aboard, simply keep moving, changing direction and depth. When enemy
sonar is no longer getting a return, get away from the area. The speed
available will seem dead slow, but silence is golden and stealth is the only
defense. Getting brave and coming to periscope depth to fight back will result
in the untimely demise of the U-boat, especially in high realism. Don't get in
the habit at low realism.


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Кто прислал: Ангел Свет (BFA) Когда: 26:10:1999 - стр. 6 -


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