GTA2 [Cheats]
Type in as name, wehn you do everything right you will hear the sound of a motor:
GOURANGA Activates cheat mode
LIVELONG Invulnerability CUTIE1 99 lives MUCHCASH Start with 500.000 Dollar DANISGOD 200.000 Dollar IAMDAVEJ 9.999.999 Dollar EATSOUP Go shopping for free RSJABBER Invulnerability GODOFGTA All weapons and ammo DAVEMON Some weapons and ammo ARSESTAR Keep weapons after a death
NEKKID He LASVEGAS Pedestriants look like Elvis VOLTFEST Unlimited electro weapon FLAMEON Unlimited flame thrower JAILBAIT Unlimited jail keys SCHURULZ Doubles damage HUNSRUS Invisibility MADEMAN Max respect COCKTART No point bombs GOREFEST Gore mode SEGARULZ Points x10 FISHFLAP Small cars UKGAMER All levels accessable GINGERR Level 1+2 TUMYFROG All levels + bonus stage