Go outside and climb the wall. When you look carefully, you see some 'dots' on the wall. On the top of the screen on this line of rocks, a golden arrow will appear which marks the way up. Go there. Then go to the tower, the Tower of Fouras or watchtower.
Inside the tower room, choose wisely those keys. Choose keys number 2 (left of the middle row) and key number 5 (middle key of the lower row). Leave the tower.
Near the podium is a bowl. Examine it and find a bottle with an unknown powder. Take it and enter the corridor. At the end you find a junk hole with an iron bar in it. Take the bar and leave the corridor.
Note: When you have found the matches in the hospital later on, you can also examine the dark room in the corridor. There are some glyphs that are interesting but not necessary to complete the game.
Near the gong is a pit. Use the iron bar on the pit and you'll get a bronze key. Use the iron bar on the gong and Fouras will tell you about the library and that you must choose wisely!
Open the chest with the bronze key and get your fourth and final Napoleon coin. Now you have got all coins necessary to enter the treasure chamber! ... Далее >>