Once in the garden, a hidden archer will fire at you. You will have to get rid of him using the boomerang. Enter the house of Panehesy. You have to find the bowl of milk in one of the rooms of the hall. In the archive room opposite the entrance, place the bowl of milk on the mat. Look at the cat in close-up and take its earring. Use the earring on the print on the wall to the right, a recess is hidden there. Take the letter and the checker. Cross the hall to go into the antechamber. In the bedroom you have to pick up a tunic. In the antechamber, a wig and a necklet. And lastly, in the bathroom, the tube of Kohol (make-up). Still in the bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror and use the wig and the tube of Kohl. Return into the hall and speak with the housekeeper. Show her the necklet so that she will let you pass. Go up to the first floor then go onto the terrace. Watch the game of Senet and place the ivory piece that you have recovered from the casket on the missing square. Look at your coded message including the name of the guilty party, it will show you in which order you have to click in order to open the secret drawer "Heri - Pedjet - Ptah - Nefer" Take the message from the drawer, it is a plan of the temple and more especially of the hypostyle room found in it. After the game of Senet, Panehesy threatens you, move towards the balcony to escape.
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