guns around the central circular platform. Uzis are fun! Then head to each of the four side rooms- two have AA Batteries. In the others, destroy the glowing green glass chambers on the ceiling. This will open a path to a green, locked door at the back of the room.
Tip: Make sure you grab all the Uzis you can carry. They regenerate infinitely on the central platter.
When you've got all the guns and health you need, blast the lock on the brown- green door, grabbing the Car Battery as you exit. The next winding path leads to Checkpoint B.
Checkpoint 2B
Take down the doors blocking your path with a steady stream of fire. As you destroy each in this passage, a new wave of enemies will appear; some from the front, others from behind. Unless you have serious bloodlust, you don't have to stay and kill them all. Simply blast the one that get in your way, targeting the doors from long distance and running through like a greyhound. ... Далее >>