Horadric Trick: The Horadric Cube can be filled with 3 gems of the same type (flawless, chipped etc.) and it will transmute to a single gem of a higher quality.
Horadric Cube Mixes: 3 health potions + 3 mana potions = 1 Rejuvenation Potion. You may use any quality of potions for this one. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Health potions + 3 Mana + 1 Gem = 1 Full Rejuvenation Potion. You may use any quality of potions and gem for this one. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 health potion + 1 Strangling Gas potion = 1 Antidote Potion. You may use any quality of health potion. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Gems of the same type and grade = 1 Gem of the next higher grade. Useful to upgrade chipped and flawed gems. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Perfect Skulls + 1 Amulet = High % chance of getting a +1 or +2 to character skills amulet. Any 3 perfect gems can be used, but skulls seem to have a higher success rate."Beware this one does not work 100% of the time" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Perfect Gems + 1 item "armor or weapon" = A new magical item of the same item type. Items seem to be random, they can be better or worse. "This Can not be done with unique, rare, or set items." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Axe + 1 Dagger + a Stack of Throwing Knives = One stack of Throwing Axes. Any kind of axe, dagger, or throwing knives can be used, but all types = plain throwing axes."so use the cheap stuff" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ring + 1 emerald + 4 Antidote Potions = 1 Viridian Ring with 21-30 Poison Resistance. Quality of gem and ring used don't matter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ring + 1 ruby + 4 exploding potions = 1 Garnet Ring with 21-30 Fire Resistance. Quality of gem and ring used don't matter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ring + 1 sapphire + 4 thawing potions = 1 Cobalt Ring with 21-30 Cold Resistance. Quality of gem and ring used don't matter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ring + 2 Topaz gems = 1 Coral Ring with 21-30 Lightning resistance. Quality of gem and ring used don't matter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Amulets = 1 Ring Quality of ring is roughly equivalent to the quality of the amulets used. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Rings = 1 Amulet Quality of amulet is roughly equivalent to the quality of the rings used. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Perfect Gems "one of each type except skull" + Amulet = Prismatic amulet with "16-25% Resist All" this one is buggy the amulet will morph when you start a new game."Beware only about a 75% chance of working" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Gems + 1 Sword = One Socketable Long Sword Any type of gem, and any normal or unique sword "magical and rare don't work". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Quivers of Arrows = 1 Quiver of Bolts This Can save you a trip to town to buy more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Quivers of Bolts = 1 Quiver of Arrows This Can save you a trip to town to buy more. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Spear + 1 Quiver of arrows = A stack of Javelins. Only makes javelins, never higher quality Javelins, no matter the type of spear or number of arrows used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------