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Игра: Dino Crisis

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : Текущая : full

Dino Crisis
The Weapons
-Weapon Upgrades
-Weapon Ammunition
The Items
The Enemies
Tactics and Techniques
The Weapons
At the start of the mission, Regina is armed with three weapons, a
handgun, a shotgun, and a grenade gun. Each can be upgraded during
the course of the game.
Glock 34 Handgun
This is the base weapon with moderate stopping power.
The model PA3 can fire both bullets and darts.
Grenade Gun
This is a 40mm HK grenade pistol. It has great stopping power, but
limited ammunition. Use it on the more difficult dinosaurs rather
than the raptors.
Weapons Upgrades
Each of Regina's weapons is the basic model. Throughout the game,
there are opportunities to upgrade the guns by finding additional
Handgun Slides
The first hand gun upgrade found in the lounge lets you upgrade
the Glock 34 to a Glock 35 that can use .40 S&W bullets.
Handgun Sights
The second handgun upgrade found in the library lets you add a gun
sight for greater accuracy.
Shotgun Stocks
The first shotgun upgrade is found in the experiment simulation
room. By attaching it, the time lag for reloading is eliminated.
Shotgun Parts
The second shotgun upgrade is found in the stabilizer experiment
room. The fore grip and barrel upgrade makes the weapon into a
SPAS12 - a more powerful weapon.
Grenade Gun Parts
The only grenade gun upgrade is found in the parts storage room.
This allows the remodeling of the gun cylinder, and the grenade
bullets can be fired continuously.
Weapon Ammunition
Ammunition is very scarce in the game. Knowing what to use and
when is one of the secrets to effective gameplay. Collect as much
as you can and make use of the emergency boxes to store ammunition
for future use.
9mm Parabellum Ammunition
This is the standard ammunition for your handgun. At the start of
the game, you have a limited supply of only 34 bullets (17 in
normal mode), and it gets worse from there.
.40 S&W Bullets
These are bigger and more powerful bullets for your handgun. Use
these in place of the 9mm bullets wherever possible. They can only
be used once you have upgraded to a Glock 35.
SG Bullets
The basic ammunition for your shotgun, these buckshot loads will
disperse over a wide area, although close-range shots are quite
Slag Bullet Ammunition
These are shells for your shotgun, and you only have ten to start.
The larger shot size makes them more destructive than the SG
Anesthetic Darts and An Aid
There are three kinds of darts labeled Anesthetic Darts S, M, and
L. While it seems incredulous that these could stand for small,
medium, and large (it is never explained), the fact remains that
the strength of the darts grow from S through M to L. Darts are
made by mixing various components. The starting point for the
darts are the anesthetic aids (known as an. aid) that can be found
throughout the game. Judicious use of ammunition will restrict you
from using the darts early in the game, but as you reach the end
game, it will be important to know how to use them and how to mix
the most powerful darts. Mix multiple an. aids to generate S
darts. Add either additional an. aids or such items as
intensifiers and multipliers to increase the effect and number of
the darts. The S darts are next to useless and wherever possible
mix to upgrade to the L dart. The darts can only be fired from the
Grenade Bullet Ammunition
These are bullets for the grenade gun and are the scarcest of all
as you start with only six. Save these bullets as much as
Heat Bullet Ammunition
A visually impressive round that spreads into three rounds on
release, but does the same impact damage as a grenade. They're
useful for the T-rex at the end of the game.
The Items
There are numerous items to collect and use throughout Ibis
Island. Items required for puzzles can always be picked up, but
optional items, such as medical supplies, can only be picked up if
you have space in your inventory. Try to keep one inventory space
open so you can always add found items and use the emergency boxes
to store additional materials.
This stops the bleeding of your wounds, but will not restore your
Med Pak
Medical paks come in three flavors just like the darts, S, M, and
L. The S pak is fairly useless and should only be used to upgrade
to the better-quality paks. The M pak completely restores your
health, while L restores health and stops the bleeding. As with
the darts, medical items can be combined to make more powerful
healing items.
Recovery Aid
This increases the potency of items with recovering properties.
This increases both medical and dart properties
Resuscitation Unit
This will bring you back to life with your health fully restored.
In effect it is a ⌠continue."
DDK Input and Code Discs
The game uses a series of DDK input and code discs to allow entry
through various doors. Both components are needed along with an
understanding of the relevant code pattern needed to generate a
password. There are seven doors, and they and the discs are
labeled H, W, S. D, N, E, and L
ID Card
Found in the medical room, this can be over-written when personnel
changes occur. The access type is colonel.
CO Pass card
Found in the materials room. Without this card, you cannot access
all the floors.
Dr. Kirk's ID Card
This is found in the security pass room by using the ID card and
FC device. The generator can only be run with this ID card.
FC Device
Found in the strategy room, this creates ID cards with
Startup Battery R
Found in the backup generator room B1, this is used with the
puzzle in the same room to restart the backup generator.
Startup Battery W
Found in the backup generator room B3, this large white battery
supplies the startup power for the back up generator and the main
Researcher Memo
This scary memo is found in the power frequency room with the
numbers 1281 written in blood on it.
Found in the computer room, this specially shaped screwdriver is
used for computer maintenance.
Planning Disc
Found in Dr. Kirk's personal lab, you can build an initializer and
a stabilizer with it.
Core Parts 1
Found in the parts storage room, this is the main part of the
stabilizer, and it must be combined with protect P 1-A and protect
P 1-B
Core Parts 2
Found in the parts storage room, this is the main part of the
initializer, and it must be combined with protect P 2-A and
protect P 2-B
Protect P 1B
Found in the stabilizer design room, this is a critical part of
the stabilizer. It protects the core parts from shock.
Protect P 1-A
Found in the stabilizer design room, this is a critical part of
the stabilizer. It protects the core parts from shock.
Protect P 2-A
Found in the stabilizer design room, this is a critical part of
the initializer. It protects the core parts from shock.
Protect Part 2-B
Found in the stabilizer experiment room, this is a critical part
of the initializer. It protects the core parts from shock.
Pulse Receiver
Found in Dr. Kirk's library, this receiver is used to find the
location of Dr. Kirk.
Secret Disc
This is received from Gail if you pick Gail's ending. The disc
contains information about using the third energy as a weapon
BG Area Key
Found in the material storage area. This is the key to the door
for the backup generator area on the ground level.
Backup Generator Room B1 key
Found in the lecture room, this opens the backup generator room.
Panel Key 1
Found in the chief's room, this key is labeled SOL or 705,
depending on which way you read it.
Panel Key 2
Found in the management office, a medal and three symbols are
carved into this panel
Main Entrance Key
Found in the management office, it's an old-fashioned cylinder
These are used to open red, green, and yellow emergency boxes that
resupply the player.
Antenna Key
Found in the communication room, this is a start up key in the
shape of a card.
Emergency Case Small Key
Found in the gas experiment room, the key unlocks one of two small
cases in the medical room.
Carrying Out Area Key
Found in the transport passageway, this is a standard electronic
Port Card Key
Found in the large size elevator this is part of the strict
security system and opens the gate that leads to the port.
B1 Key Chip
Found in the gas experiment room and used in the library to access
the computer.
B2 Key Chip 1
Found in the security pass room, there is no writing carved into
the usual place. The data needs rewriting.
B2 Key Chip 2
Found in the stabilizer design room, the numbers 0392 are carved
into it. The data needs rewriting.
B1 Crane Card
Found in the elevator power room, this card seems to be used when
transporting chemical materials. An automation card is used to
control the crane.
B3 Crane Card 1
Found in control room B3, this is an automation program card used
to control the crane.
B3 Crane Card 2
Found in control room B3, this is an automation program card used
to control the crane.
B3 Crane Card 3
Found in the transport passageway, this is an automation program
card used to control the crane.
R Key card
Found in the library, this is a key card that will unlock an
electronic lock.
L Key card
Found in the chief's room, this key card will unlock an electronic
Key Card Lv A
Found in Dr. Kirk's personal lab, this card unlocks all areas of
the facility.
Key Card Lv B
Found in the third energy control room, this is a card that will
unlock electronic doors.
Key Card Lv C
Found in the researcher rest room, this is a card that can unlock
electronic doors.
The Enemies
While few in type, the dinosaurs are large in number. The
therizino are particularly troublesome after you get used to
fighting the raptors.
This is the base enemy that is responsible for most attacks. When
possible, fire your gun at close range, as it is more accurate and
therefore deadly. As the game goes on, a different color raptor
appears and is more difficult to take out.
This is a winged dinosaur that attacks with little warning. If you
are skilled enough to zigzag while running, it is better to not
waste the ammunition.
These are annoying little scavenger dinosaurs. They can either be
ignored, taken out one by one with the handgun, or if you have the
ammo to spare, taken out in bunches with a shotgun blast.
These are very aggressive dinosaurs that use their claws rather
than tail or teeth to attack. They show up a lot in the mission
mode but also turn up at the most inopportune times in the regular
game. The grenade gun is best used to combat this threat.
The main boss at the end of the game, the T-rex also appears in a
number of specific places throughout the game. A huge dinosaur, it
causes by far the most destruction. Use a shotgun to keep it at
bay in the earlier game sequences.
General Gameplay Tactics and Techniques
Unusually for an action-adventure game, patience is the key to
successful gameplay. Ammunition is very scarce and must be
conserved whenever possible. However, this does not mean that you
shouldn't use the ammunition, just don't blast away needlessly.
Fire at the dinosaur until it falls down and make sure that there
is a pool of blood underneath it. If there isn't blood, it isn't
Make use of the emergency boxes. These green, yellow, and red
boxes contain medication (green), ammunition (red), or both
(yellow). To open the boxes, a number of plugs are required.
Collect these plugs wherever you find them. Previously opened
boxes can also be accessed.
Listen for music and sound cues. They will usually tell you when
you have come into a room or corridor that contains trouble.
You, as, Regina are part of a four-person team with Rick, Cooper,
and team leader Gail. The team is sent to accomplish the mission
of retrieving Dr. Kirk. While three of the team make it to the
rendezvous at the designated convergence zone, Cooper does not and
quickly becomes lizard food.
At the first check point, Gail grows suspicious at the lack of
lights in the guardhouse. Gail goes in to deal with the guards and
then signals the all clear. You and Rick enter the first area, the
backyard of the facility.
Backyard of the Facility
Immediately upon entering the area, a brief cutscene shows a
discussion between you and Rick. Rick indicates that he will
infiltrate the facility and occupy the control room on the first
floor. He should have access to all the security systems from
there, and ick says he will contact you once he is there.
Now the game begins.
The backyard of the facility is an outdoor area surrounded by a
chain link fence. Walk west around the corner to the top right of
the screen. A cutscene will start where Gail comments on whatever
attacked the guards. Straight ahead of you to the north is a green
door. Enter through the door into the material storage area.
Material Storage Area
The material storage area contains a forklift, bags of cement, and
other useless items. However, as you move forward, the character
view changes, and two items are apparent. Walk into the far left
corner and take the key from the shelf. This is the backup
generator area, or BG area, key. Walk to the right, and a shelving
unit will impede your movement. Push against the shelf by
continuing to walk in an easterly direction, and the shelf will be
pushed out of the way. Take the resuscitation unit and
exit out of the material storage area back into the backyard of
the facility area.
Backyard of the Facility
Walk east and then south to initiate a cutscene where Rick informs
you that he is now in the control area, but needs the power turned
on. At the end of the transmission, Gail turns up and takes the BG
area key and motions you to follow him. Do so by walking south
into the backyard.
Like the backyard of the facility, this is an open outdoor area
surrounded by a chain link fence. Gail will not be in sight, but
don't worry. Turn west toward the door at the end of the backyard.
Exit through the door to the passageway to the backup generator.
Passageway to the Backup Generator
Yet another outside chain link encrusted area, this area wraps
around in a large U shape once you start heading south. Walk west
and then south and follow the walkway around. Halfway around, you
will come upon Gail, who has discovered a guard with a split
personality. Talk to Gail, and he tells you that he will stand
guard while you go into backup generator room 1F and look around.
Backup Generator Room 1F
The room contains an extremely large generator and a short north
walkway to an equally short west and then south walkway. At the
end of the path is the first puzzle. As you walk west, straight
ahead is a battery charger, while slightly to the right is some
power distribution machinery. Turn left and walk south. In front
of you is a panel with four cylinders and three buttons, while
slightly to the right is a panel with four switches, which are,
from left to right, red, blue, green, and white.

You must push the buttons to line up the cylinders in the same
order as the switches. The easiest way to do this is to press the
right button, then the center, and finally the right. Move back to
the panel with the levers and activate the generator. Walk back
toward the passageway to the backup generator where you left Gail.
As you return, a cutscene will play the sound of gunfire followed
by a yell.
Passageway to the Backup Generator
Once outside, all that can be seen is a trail of blood. As you
move to follow the blood, a cutscene introduces your first enemy,
a raptor-style dinosaur. Kill the dinosaur with four shots. Walk
back to the backyard of the facility via the backyard. Here, you
will communicate with Rick via a cutscene and agree to meet him at
the control room. Walk north from the backyard to the office
Office Hallway
The office hallway is a cold thin passageway with windows every
few feet. Walk north until you come to a left-hand turn and
continue west. On your left is a door. It is locked from the other
side. Continue on toward the laser security field. Here, you will
notice that the ventilation shaft cover is on the floor, and you
can climb up into the
shaft. Do so and move into piping check passageway A.
Piping Check Passageway A
The passageway is quite tall and easy for Regina to walk along.
Once inside the passageway, you are heading south. Continue south
and then west to the first ventilation shaft cover. Climb down the
ventilation opening into the control room hall.
Control Room Hallway
On entering the hallway, Regina is facing south. The room directly
behind her is the save room. You can save at this point if you
wish, but there is no need until after you have met up with Rick
in the control room. Walk south and follow the hallway around to
the west to the doorway on the left. Just past the doorway is a
package of 17 9mm Parabellum bullets. Pick it up. You'll also find
your first green emergency box. Step inside the control room.
Control Room
Once inside the control room, Rick will update the status to
Regina. The underground cameras remain offline, indicating another
generator source. You must find the doctor and rendezvous back
with Rick in the control room. Walk back to the management office
and save your progress. This is an automated process once you
leave the management office.
Management Office
The office is in a state of disrepair with blood on the floor and
files scattered around. Immediately to your left is a computer,
but the power is not turned on. Walk to the far north end of the
room and turn on the power switch. This will activate the
computer. Read the e-mail on the screen that describes the digital
disc key (DDK) system used on locking devices. Each lock requires
two DDK devices, a code disc, and an input disc. Walk to the
countertop and pick up DDK input disc H. In picking up the disc,
you also discover that there is something in the cardboard box.
Pick up the plug. Note that when playing the normal game, the
shotgun will be found here.

Next to the computer is an open door. Go through it and turn
right. Beside the body is panel key 2 with either the word LEO or
the numbers 037, depending on which way you look at it. Directly
in front of you is a weapon storage unit with a green flashing
light. It is protected by a number code. Exit the management
office by the north into the management office hallway.
Management Office Hallway
After an update from Rick, kill the dinosaur with four shots.
Deactivate the laser field by pushing the switch. Walk west - the
opposite direction to the laser field you just disabled - and open
the locker room door.

Locker Room
The blue folder on the table is the journal of a guardsman with an
entry for today. It says that the weapon storage area can be
opened using the combination 0426. Grab DDK code disc H from the
top of the locker. Move to the corner of the room where there may
be a random box containing a hemostat. In the opposite corner is
an an. dart M, which is a tranquilizer. Return to the management
Management Office
Enter the code 0426 in the number pad protecting the weapons
storage unit. Pick up the main entrance key and the resuscitation
bag. Once again, leave via the north door and, in the management
office hallway, turn east. The double doors ahead are the main
Main Entrance
Once inside, keep to the south side of the room. The door there is
locked, and you will need the two DDK N keys. Just past the door
is an an. aid that increases the potency of items with anesthetic
properties such as the tranquilizer. Walk upstairs and to the east
into hall 2F.
Hall 2F
Enter the room and kill the dinosaur. There are interesting areas
to both the north and south, but keep walking to the west for now
and into the passageway to the communication area. Immediately,
turn around and move back to hall 2F and kill the latest dinosaur,
then return once more through the door to the passageway to
communications area.
Passageway to Communications Area
Walk to the door to the north and enter the communication antenna
room. Read the instructions in the manual. It will give you the
combination for both the weapon storage unit in the lounge, 8159,
and instructions on how the DDK keys work. Once read, return to
hall 2F and go through the door on the south wall into the lounge.
If you didn't take care of the second dinosaur by opening and
closing the doorway to the passageway to communications area, as
soon as you are in the lounge, fire your weapon. There is a
dinosaur hiding out of sight. Either way, walk to the back of the
room and open the weapons storage unit using the code 8159. Inside
is a weapon upgrade kit that lets you change the Glock 34 into a
Glock 35. Walk out of the lounge and head across the hall 2F
corridor. The locked door is protected by a DDK device with the
symbol H. Access the DDK. The code is listed as H B C E F A G D I,
and the key is listed as B C F G I.
Per the instructions in the memo in the communication antenna
room, remove the key letters from the code letters to leave the
correct password, in this case H E A D. The password is most
appropriate as the door leads into the chief's room.
Chief's Room
Once inside the room, a survivor gives you the SOL (or 705) panel
key. Walk to the commemorative medal displayed on the wall and
insert the two panel keys. Place the SOL key in the left side and
the LEO key in the right. Enter the code 705037 and retrieve key
card L. As you reach for another DDK disc on the desk, a T-rex
breaks through the window. Fire repeatedly at the T-rex to
encourage him to leave. Pick up DDK input disc N. Exit the chief's
room and go downstairs to the main entrance. Go
to the north and out of the main doors to the front area of the
main entrance.

Front Area of Main Entrance
Walk west and then east to find the body with DDK code disc N.
Pick it up and read the file of personnel changes for Mark Doyle
with a registration number of 57036. Next to the body is a vial of
an. aid. Decide whether to pick up the an. aid or the shotgun
shells that are also present. Return to the main entrance and walk
to the door on the south side. Rick will contact you to tell you
that he has seen something human. Use the DDK device and the N
keys to decipher the password. The code is A B N D E F G H A B W C
D F G H A B D F G H O M A B D E F G H R, and the key is A B D F G
H. Again, removing the key letters from the code letters gives the
password of N E W C O M E R. Enter the elevator hall.
Elevator Hall
Tucked away in the right-hand corner is a red emergency box. Check
out he map in the middle of the room. Add this information to your
knowledge and then leave via the door to the east to the lecture
room hallway.

Lecture Room Hallway
Deactivate the laser field and enter the door on the east wall.
This is the office. Once inside, kill the dinosaur, unlock the
north door, and retrace your steps back out to the lecture room
hallway where there will be another dinosaur to take care of. Walk
west and then south down the hallway to the lecture room.

Lecture Room
Walk to the front of the room and pick up the backup generator
room B1 key. At this point, a dinosaur will attack you. Keep
struggling until Gail can come in and finish it off. Return to the
control room for an update with Rick and Gail. Return to the
backyard of the facility. Regardless of which way you go, either
via the piping check passageway or management office hallway, you
will be attacked by at least one dinosaur. Be prepared.

Backyard of the Facility
Enter the B1 backup generator room on the southwest corner of the
backyard of the facility room.
Backup Generator Room B1
This generator room is constructed in the same manner as the
original generator room. However, one of the battery cylinders is
being recharged rather than already in place. Remove the startup
cylinder battery R from its container, walk over to the panel and
place it inside. Realign the cylinders to match the color sequence
indicated by the lever panel, red, blue, green, and white. Press
right, center, left, right, center, and finally right. Activate
the switch to refire the generator. Rick then calls and asks to
meet back at the control room. Before you leave, push the shelf
unit and pick up the plug. Again, you are likely to be attacked,
usually along the office hallway on your return.
The First Decision
Control Room
Back at the control room, two different options are available.
Gail has seen some movement that could be Dr. Kirk, while a
distress signal is received from a team member that could be
either from Cooper (most unlikely) or the infiltration agent, Tom.
Rick wants to find the team member, while Gail gives priority to
the mission objectives. You must decide whom to follow.
TIP: Choose Gail!
Go out the control room and turn left to find the stairs leading
to the basement and the medical room hallway. Walk north down the
corridor and then east. Shoot the small dinosaurs. Don't miss the
one hiding behind the carcass. To your right is the medical room.
This is also the basement-level save room.

Medical Room
Read the memo and pick up the ID card belonging to Colonel Clay.
The ID card will allow access to the Strategy Room. Return to the
medical room hallway and follow it east past the carcass to hall
Hall B1
You bump into Gail who catches a glimpse of Dr. Kirk in the lab.
Gail pursues Dr. Kirk, but a security gate blocks you. Gail tells
you to get down via the elevators on the first floor. The
elevators are in the elevator hall on the first floor.
Elevator Hall
Alas, once you arrive at the elevator hall, you find that you do
not have the correct ID security clearance. Return to the basement
and hall B1.
Hall B1
Walk south and enter the hallway for carrying in materials. Half
way down the hall, you will be attacked out of the broken elevator
shaft by a dinosaur. Kill it and enter the carrying out room B1
through the double doors in front of you. Examine the dead man and
read the memo. Apparently, you must have DDKs to enter the lab
area. It appears the worker left one at the large size elevator
control and thinks that Tom has the other. Return to the first
floor and the management office hallway via the management office.
Management Office Hallway
Deactivate the laser field and enter the strategy room.
Strategy Room
Read the data file for an operation meeting. While discussing the
internal security of the base, the file gives details of how you
can get around the security system by using the fingerprints of a
corpse. Pick up the FC device, the plug, and DDK input disc E.
Examine the yellow emergency box. Walk to the front area of the
main entrance and use the fingerprint device on the dead body
whose new section was to be the third energy physics laboratory
(look at the memo by the body). Return to the office.
Go to the far wall to use the ID computer device. Enter the
registration number of 57036 and generate a new ID card. Now, walk
to the backyard. Rick lets you know that Tom didn't make it, and
he is going to continue working on the system. Head out to the
large size elevator passageway.
Large Size Elevator Passageway
You will immediately encounter two dinosaurs. Walk east to the end
of the walkway and enter the large size elevator.
Large Size Elevator
You are immediately attacked by a pterodactyl who will shake lose
whichever weapon you are holding. Once down on the ground, rearm
with the grenade gun before the creature attacks again and blow it
out of the sky. Enter the large size elevator control room.
Large Size Elevator Control Room
Once inside, pick up DDK input disc L from the table and DDK code
disc L from the body of Tom on the floor. Walk through to the
second part of the room and pick up the recovery aid that
increases the potency of items recovering properties. Look at the
outdoor map on the wall and record the data. Exit to the north
passageway to the power room. Kill the pterodactyls and walk to
the east, south, and west to enter the
elevator power room.
Elevator Power Room
Climb down the ladder to the floor below and pick up the B1 crane
card. In the center of the room are six stations. To solve the
puzzle, the following colors should be pressed at the appropriate
╥ Top right red
╥ Bottom left red
╥ Middle left green
╥ Middle right green
╥ Bottom right blue
╥ Top left blue
Once this is done, exit to the first really nasty part of the
game. Here, a pterodactyl will fly down and grab you. There is no
chance to use your weapons the first time, and you must struggle
mightily to release yourself. When you've escaped, the first
pterodactyl will fall into the large powered fan. Then, once on
the ground, you can take out the subsequent pterodactyl with a
shotgun blast. At this point, you want to get back to the elevator
hall, but if you retrace your steps, you will have a walkway
collapse, killing you in the process. Therefore, walk back to the
large size elevator room and activate the control panel with the
green light. This will activate the large elevator. The elevator
descends into carrying out room B1, but on the opposite side from
where you entered previously and learned from the memo that DDKs
were needed to enter the lab.
Carrying Out Room B1
Climb up the ladder and walk along the gantry to the crane control
panel. Use the B1 crane card to set up a program. Each card has
either a word or symbol and a number. First select up 2, left 1,
down 1, hook, right 2, and release. Press Start to activate the
program. Second, select up 2, hook, down 1, and release to move
the last container. Walk down the ladder and go south, west,
south, and west to get through to the other side. Make your way to
the elevator hall.
NOTE: This is the end of Gail's path.
Tip: Choose Rick
Now walk to the backyard and head out to the large size elevator
Large Size Elevator Passageway
You will immediately encounter two dinosaurs. Walk east to the end
of the walkway and enter the large size elevator.

Large Size Elevator
You are immediately attacked by a pterodactyl who will shake lose
whichever weapon you are holding. Once down on the ground, rearm
with the grenade gun before the creature attacks again and blow it
out of the sky. Enter the large size elevator control room.
Large Size Elevator Control Room
Once inside, Rick has found Tom barely alive. Tom gives you DDK
code disc L. Pick up DDK input disc L from the table. Walk through
to the second part of the room and pick up the recovery aid that
increases the potency of items' recovering properties. Look at the
outdoor map on the wall and record the data. Exit to the north
passageway and head to the power room. Kill the pterodactyl's and
walk to the east, south, and west to enter into the elevator power
Elevator Power Room
Climb down the ladder to the floor below and pick up the B1 crane
card. Push the shelving unit out of the way to reveal an item.In
the center of the room are six stations. To solve the puzzle, the
following colors should be pressed at the appropriate
╥ Top right red
╥ Bottom left red
╥ Middle left green
╥ Middle right green
╥ Bottom right blue
╥ Top left blue
Once this is done, exit to the first really nasty part of the
game. Here, a pterodactyl will fly down and grab you. There is no
chance to use your weapons the first time, and you must struggle
mightily to release yourself. Once you've escaped, the first
pterodactyl will fall into the large powered fan. Then, once on
the ground, you can take out the subsequent pterodactyl with a
shotgun blast.
At this point, you want to get back to the elevator hall. But, if
you retrace your steps, a walkway will collapse, killing you in
the process. Therefore, walk back to the large size elevator room
and activate the control panel with the green light. This will
activate the large elevator. Go back and get Rick and Tom for a
ride down the elevator. The elevator descends into carrying out
room B1.
Carrying Out Room B1
Climb up the ladder and walk along the gantry to the crane control
panel. Use the B1 crane card to set up a program. Each card has
either a word or symbol and a number. First, select up 2, left 1,
down 1, hook, right 2, and release. Press Start to activate the
program. Second, select up 2, hook, down 1, and release to move
the last container. Walk down the ladder and go south, west,
south, and west to get through to the other side. Examine the dead
man, read the memo, and exit to the hallway for carrying in
materials and head to hall B1.
Hall B1
Walk to the southwest corner and enter the medical room hallway.
Medical Room Hallway
Shoot the small dinosaurs. Don't miss the one hiding behind the
carcass. To your right is the medical room. This is also the
basement-level save room.
Medical Room
Read the memo and pick up the ID card belonging to Colonel Clay.
The ID card will allow access to the strategy room. Return to the
medical room hallway, follow it west to the stairs, and make your
way to the management office.
Management Office Hallway
Deactivate the laser field and enter the strategy room.
Strategy Room
Read the data file for an operation meeting. While discussing the
internal security of the base, the file gives details of how you
can get around the security system by using the fingerprints of a
corpse. Pick up the FC device, the plug, and DDK input disc E.
Examine the yellow emergency box. Walk to the front area of the
main entrance and use the fingerprint device on the dead body
whose new section was to be the third energy physics laboratory
(which you learned from the memo by the body). Return to the
Go to the far wall to use the ID computer device. Enter the
registration number of 57036 and generate a new ID card. Make your
way to the elevator hall.
NOTE: This is the end of Rick's path.
Elevator Hall
Get into the left elevator. On your way down, kill the dinosaur
and exit into hall 1B.
The Lower Level
Hall 1B
Read the security manual vol. 1 and learn the new security
procedures with number for letter substitution. Go to the south
wall and look at the map to save the map data. Use the DDK L code
and key to enter via the door to the north of the main hallway B1.
The code is L F A C B D O E G H R F A C T D O E R Y, and the key
is 3 4 5 6 7 8. Using a substitution of C=3, D=4,
E=5, and so on, remove the key letters to get the password of
L A B O R A T O R Y.

Main Hallway B1
Walk north until you get to a laser field. Deactivate the field
and take out the two dinosaurs. Enter the library room to the
Library Room
Kill the dinosaur and walk down the first corridor to the left.
Pick up the special handgun sight and pick up the med. kit before
exiting the room to the west and entering the research area hall.
Research Area Hall
Kill the two dinosaurs and deactivate the laser fence. Enter the
research meeting room.
Research Meeting Room
Pick up DDK disc E from the table. Look at the computer terminal.
It controls the condition of the experiment. The lock code is
7248. Read the research journal. Learn of the concerns of one of
the researchers and that he hid something in the library room.
Read the white board to learn that, "Adding another gas to one
with a poison level under 30 may neutralize the gas." Red gas
neutralizes the poison in the green gas. Blue gas neutralizes the
poison in the orange gas. Green gas neutralizes the poison in the
purple gas. Exit the room and turn right in the research area
hall. Deactivate the second laser field and pick up the potency
increaser. Enter the computer room that is also the save room on
this level.
Computer Room
Pick up the plug and the specially shaped screwdriver that is used
for computer maintenance. Go to the computer that is running the
experimental area control program. Enter 7248 to cancel the
autolock. Read the security manual vol. 2. It explains yet another
layer of DDK code that includes deleting the rows of letters
listed by the key. Exit the computer room to the south and stock
up on ammo. Then, via the computer room, return to the research
meeting room. On the east wall, open the door into the gas
experiment room.
Gas Experiment Room
Straight ahead of you are the controls for the gas chamber. Press
either blue green red or green red blue (both will work) to lower
the level of poison and enter the chamber, the door on the left,
to talk briefly to the survivor. Take the B1 key chip with the
letters 3695 from the body and search the body for the small key
with the words Emergency Case. As you try to exit, a dinosaur will
attack. Press X to get out of the dinosaur's grasp and then exit
the chamber. The dinosaur should be locked in the chamber allowing
you some revenge with gas if you so wish. Make your way toward the
library, dealing with the dinosaur in the research area hall on
the way.
Use the B1 key chip on the computer screen and overwrite the data
using the code 3695. The next puzzle is tricky. The easiest way is
as follows. Push the d-pad up once and press the X button. Press
the X button a second time. Move the d-pad up once and press the X
button. Finally, move the d-pad up twice and press the X-button.
The storage locker 3695 will now be highlighted, and the B1 key
chip is returned to your inventory. Use the B1 key chip with the
lighted storage locker and receive the R key card. Read the memo
that is in data storage and learn that the R key card (the other
card you obtained from the chief's room) allows entrance to Dr.
Kirk's secret lab. Return to the computer room.
Computer Room
Look at the screen on the north wall. Now that you have both keys,
you must call in Gail to help you. The DDK E code and key discs
are required to open the door.
The code is:
T, H, E, T, H, I, R, D, E, F, N, F, E, B, A, L, L, O, N, H, I, R,
O, R, R, S, G, S, Y
And the key is:
By removing the appropriate columns the following letters
It spells ENERGY.
Enter the code and enter the experiment simulation room.
Experiment Simulation Room
Read the doctor's journal and learn that the creatures were
released after one of the doctor's experiments. Check out the
control panel next to the doctor's journal and press the right
option (gamma), which is the stabilizer; then the center option
(beta), which is the initializer; and finally the left option
(alpha). Directly behind on the wall is a shelving unit. Push it
aside to find the shotgun stocks. In the corner is an emergency
hatch. Return to the computer room.
Computer Room
An emergency lockdown occurs in the computer room. If you haven't
already picked up the screwdriver from the toolbox and used it on
the panel, now would be a good time. This sets up a rotation
puzzle. Click on the right-hand circuit, turn it once to the
right, and then place it. Then, choose the left-hand circuit - it
will be selected automatically - and place it without turn it.
Finally, rotate the middle circuit once to the right and place it.
This will unlock the lockdown, but there is a warning that you
must get out within ten minutes. Rick and Gail offer different
choices. The first, from Gail, is to shoot your way out, which
doesn't make any kind of sense when you have limited ammunition.
The second choice, from Rick, is to use the emergency hatch in the
experiment simulation room.
TIP: Choose Rick!
Enter the experiment simulation room and operate the computer.
Rick will contact you concerning three different codes that you
must enter. It's best to have a pen and a paper to write them
down, although the solution is only eight letters long, so it's
not too difficult to memorize.
NOTE: This is the end of Rick's path.
TIP: Choose Gail!
Head for main hallway B1, through hall B1. Then go to the hallway
for carrying in materials to the carrying out room. You'll find
lots of dinosaurs to either dart or kill on the way.
NOTE: This is the end of Gail's path.
Meet up with Dr. Kirk and Gail and get the control elevator disc.
You are in the carrying room. Exit via the hallway for carrying
materials and go on into hall B1. Make your way to the medical
room, where you can use the small key found on the researcher in
the gas chamber. The left box contains a resuscitation unit, while
the right contains a multiplier. Continue on to the control room
hall and back to the control room. Use the ID card on the elevator
and press the button to go up to the communication room.
Communication Room
On the north wall of the room - directly across from where you
entered is a box containing an antenna activation key. Pick up the
slag bullets, read the memo, and check out the red emergency box.
Notice that the electrical field is unstable and that the antenna
may be the problem. Head out toward the communication antenna
room. At this point, it is possible to save your progress. Arm
yourself with the shotgun. Do so, as Marc Bolan is just around the
corner. Enter the passageway to the communication area and go on
to the communication antenna room.
Communication Antenna Room
Use the key in the room to set up the antenna once you exit the
room it gets interesting. All the locks on the second floor snap
closed, and while Rick is working on it, Regina has to run from a
very hungry T-rex. As soon as you gain control of Regina, run back
along the walkway toward the communication room. You'll get
knocked over at least twice but get as close to the door as
possible and turn and fire constantly. After a number of hits,
Rick will open the door, and you get to move into the
communications room automatically. Regina calls in the rescue
squad, and Rick then tells you to use the main entrance to get to
the heliport. Stock up on any ammo needs at the red box and leave
via the elevator. Make sure to go through the management office
and save your progress. Make your way out to the front of the
building, where pterodactyls are now around. Either blow them out
of the sky or try to dodge and run to the doorway by the body and
enter the passageway to the heliport.

Passageway to the Heliport
Within the passageway, there are two dinosaurs to dispose of. As
you run around, there is a double door that is locked. Ignore this
and look to the west for a door into the hangar.
Move forward and climb the ladder. At the end are some grenade
bullets. The lower level of the hangar contains a push-the-box
puzzle. The puzzle is difficult to describe, but here goes. As you
walk toward the bottom of the screen, you will pass two crates on
the screen's right. Push the second one to the right all the way.
Then, walk around the crate and squeeze between the furthest
right-hand edge and the wall. It's a tight fit and takes a couple
of tries to get through. Once through, the screen rotates 90
degrees, which is a little disorientating. Push the first crate
you meet to the right and push the crate below it to the bottom of
the screen. Walk toward the bottom of the screen and push the box
to the right. Then, push the box immediately above you toward the
top of the screen, and you have cleared the path. Walk around to
the left to the heliport. In the normal game, the grenade gun is
up the stairs in the hanger.
Once in the heliport, you meet up with Dr. Kirk and Rick to wait
for the rescue helicopter, but a T-rex interrupts the situation,
leaving the helicopter wreckage in flames. Dodge around the
helicopter wreckage while being chased by the T-rex. You can fire
at the T-rex if you want, but there is no need, as you can keep
running until Rick fires a shot to let you know that he has the
elevator working. Run over to the liaison elevator #2 and go down
to the underground passageway to the facility.

Underground Passageway to the Facility
Walk down the passageway and either shoot or evade the baby
dinosaurs. Turn south and take the passageway to the east and
enter the materials room
Materials Room
Pick up the CO pass card. Read the memo from the dead man and find
out that there is a port on level B3 that may offer escape from
the island. Pick up the an. aid, go back to the passageway, and
head south down to the liaison elevator #1. Inside the elevator, a
lengthy cutscene will show you discussing your information with
Rick about the port. Once at the top of the elevator, Rick and
Regina carry on to the large size elevator and then start to go
down. Power is interrupted, and a short discussion with Gail
confirms he also knows about the port. At the bottom in the
carrying out room B3, Rick discovers that a battery is broken, and
you must go and find it. Walk to the south and enter the backup
generator room B3.
Backup Generator Room B3
Once inside, walk around to the shelf and push it open to get the
an. aid. Walk to the side of the room with the glass panel, open
the panel, and take startup battery W. Return to carrying out room
B3 and give the battery to Rick, who inserts the battery into the
generator. Follow Rick and go into control room B3.
Control Room B3
Read the memo. It indicates that a DDK is with one of the
personnel. Want to bet he's just lying around somewhere? Pick
up B3 crane card 2 and push aside the shelf to pick up a plug. Use
either the yellow or red emergency boxes, depending on your needs.
Walk to Rick - he's the one making the tapping sound - and pick up
B3 crane card 1.
Head out of the Control Room via the door next to the yellow
emergency box and enter the general weapons storage room.
General Weapons Storage
Walk around the vehicle and pick up the resuscitation pak.
Continue around the corner and notice the remains of the man.
There appears to be a DDK, but before you can get to it, a very
aggressive dinosaur that attacks by hitting with his claws attacks
you. While on the ground, roll out of the way of the container
crashing from above. Quickly move to the rollup doorway to the
transport passageway.
Transport Passageway
Once inside, kill the aggressive dinosaur. Pick up the two items,
B3 crane card 3 and the carrying out area key. Return to the
general weapons storage room and quickly climb the ladder. Walk
along the path into the crane control room. Enter one of your
crane cards (it doesn't appear to matter which one) and operate
the crane to clear a path to the dead man and the DDK disc. There
is more than one way to do this, but one way is as follows:
╥ Right, hook, and start
╥ Left, release, and start
╥ Up, hook, and start
╥ Release and start
╥ Right, up, hook, and start
╥ Up Down, release, and start
╥ Right, up, down, hook, and start
Then, exit the crane puzzle and walk down the ladder into the room
and around to the dead man. Pick up DDK code disc W, return to the
control room, and exit to carrying out room B3.
Carrying Out Room B3
Hidden in the southwest corner is a door. Use the CO area key to
enter and move into the passageway to the carrying out room.
Passageway to the Carrying Out Room
Inside are two dinosaurs. While bullets were fine earlier, at this
point, firing a dart and running is a good tactic. Once the two
dinosaurs have been stunned, move to the end of the corridor and
enter the rest station.
Check out the map and add it to your information. Check the body
for a plug. If you now have two plugs, don't waste them. Go
through the next door on the left side of the map. Enter the
central stairway and dart the two dinosaurs before moving up the
stairs in the hallway to the right. Be careful not to accidentally
keep firing the darts at the first dinosaurs after you have downed
them. Enter the passageway to the experiment area
Passageway to the Experiment Area
Kill the raptor and move on into the security pass room.
Security Pass Room
Walk through the alarm activation screen - it's kind of like the
scene from Total Recall - and through the internal door. Walk
around the computer bank and deactivate the alarm. Read the file
messages in the red folder, then turn to the wall behind you and
pick up a plug. Pick up B2 key chip 1. The key chip terminal on
the wall requires two key chips. Pick up DDK code disc S in the
same area. Exit out the door you entered and head into the
passageway. Stand on the grate and climb up into the ventilation
opening. Follow the shaft around and climb down into the
experiment room hall. Walk to your left away from the laser fence
and continue to the end of the corridor, where you have the choice
of a red or green emergency box. Open the door into the researcher
rest room.

Researcher Rest Room
Read the researcher's journal. Among the stacked items, find a
plug. Against the wall is a device that requires a LV key card.
Walk back down the experiment room hall looking for the card. Once
you go to pick it up, you will see a cutscene where you are
attacked by an aggressive dinosaur. Darting it is the best bet.
Now, pick up key card LV C. On the other side of the grate from
which the raptor just appeared, enter the stabilizer design room.
Stabilizer Design Room
Grab DDK code disc W and then head back outside to the entrance to
the ventilation shaft. Once in the ventilation shaft, return to
the original entrance, climb down, and go back down the stairs.
The dinosaurs will now be awake. Dart them. Rick will tell you
that he has opened the laser fence, but for the moment, the only
thing down there are a red and green emergency box. If you need
stuff, go down, but remember that the dinosaurs are only stunned.
Exit to the rest station and move across to the DDK W door in the
opposite wall.
The code is W B A D T H E I R C D D D H W C B C G A F G H I Y, and
the key is 2346789. Substitute letters for numbers (b =2 and
so on), and you are left with WATERWAY. Enter the code and enter
the disembarkation immigration office. Move forward and search the
body for a plug. As you move forward, Rick will join you for a
cutscene, and both of you will discover that there is another
survivor. Pick up B2 key chip 2 before you leave.
As you make your way back to carrying room B3, a T-rex will come
down the large elevator, but get taken out by the power plant..
Walk over to the main generator and take the battery. Walk over to
backup generator room B 3 and use the battery in the alcove. Match
the batteries with the switches that are red, blue, green, and
white. Push buttons A, C, and D, and after you exit, pull the
switch that will restore the power. Return to carrying room B3 and
open the large size elevator.
Large Size Elevator
Pick up the port card key, DDK input code disc D, and plug from
the three victims. Return to carrying out room B3 and head back to
the rest station, dealing with the dinosaurs yet again. Then,
return to Rick at the disembarkation immigration office. Rick and
Regina head out via the passageway to the port only to be stopped
by a vortex that blocks their way. Rick heads back to look through
the computer files while you must snoop around to find the
Pick up DDK code input disk S at your feet and return to the
disembarkation immigration office. Return via the central stairway
to the B2 level into the security pass room and walk over to the
key chip terminal. Insert B2 key chip 1 into the left key slot and
B2 key chip 2 into the right slot. Stand in front of the terminal
and activate it. Overwrite the data of the key chips and enter
0392. You are now presented with two magnetic overwrite puzzles.
Press up once and press X twice. Push up once and press X once.
Press up once and press X once. Press down once and press X twice.
Press up once and press X twice. All four white panels should be
on the bottom. Press down 3 and press X twice. Now, move to the
second card on the right with red panels. Return the indicator
down as far as it will go. Press X twice. Move up one and press X
twice. Move up three and press X once. Move down once and press X
once. Move down one and press X twice. Move up one and press X
twice. At this point, all four red panels should be on the bottom.
Move over to the left side of the screen and select the switch
arrow panel. Return to the white panels and go to the top. Swap
over the white for the empty panels above the red panels. Move to
the DDK S door within the same room.
The code is:
And the key is:
Remove the columns indicated by the key to end up with: S T A
B I L I Z E R.
Walk into the Parts Storage Room
As you go down the hall, you will be engulfed in a decontamination
procedure. Continue down the corridor and through a door. The
corridor to your left contains two doors, but both are locked.
Continue down the corridor in front of you and into the experiment
room hall.
Experiment Room Hall
Kill the two raptors and deactivate the laser fence. Reactivate it
once you are on the other side, just in case. Walk through the
level C door and into the stabilizer experiment room.
Stabilizer Experiment Room
Pick up DDK code disc D and exit. Walk back through the hall to
the parts storage room and down the corridor with the two locked
doors. One is the DDK D room, which you can now open.
The code is:
0 4
1 5
0 3
2 0
1 5
1 8
0 6
1 1
0 9
1 1
0 7
and the key is G F.
Each number pair represents a letter in the alphabet, giving:
Remove the G and the F to give D O C T O R K I R K as the correct
password. Enter the passageway.
Walk down the hall and examine the box with the glowing green
light. It is a slot to insert with the number 0392 inscribed on
it. Insert B2 key chip 2 to open the door. Proceed down the hall
to the next box with a glowing green light and insert B2 key chip
1. This will open the next door. Follow the passageway around and
through the door down the hallway into third energy area B2.
The Third Energy Area
Third Energy Area B2
Once here, Rick asks you to activate the main generator. Run down
the gangplank to the console and press the button. Do not cross
the extended bridge, but instead continue along the north wall to
the third energy
control room.
Third Energy Control Room
Walk down the stairs, turn east, and pick up key card Lv B. Walk
to the south and read the researcher's journal to discover that
Dr. Kirk's ID card is required to operate the generator. Push the
cabinet out of the way to gain an item and look at the system
controls. They are locked. Return to the stairs and go back up.
Turn to the right (do not exit out of the door) and pick up the
plug from the raised platform. Walk around to the console on the
far side and read the generator instruction manual. You must do a
number of tasks to activate and control the generator. Turn around
and walk out through to the power Frequency room.
Power Frequency Room
Add the B2 area map to your record. Try and talk to the
researcher. Read the researcher's memo and learn that a wiretap
was placed in the parts storage area. This has yielded the
information that Dr. Kirk's registration number is 31415. You'll
see a green and a red emergency box. Examine the energy supply
control system and rearrange the circuits as before. Turn the left
and middle circuit one turn to the left each and place them in
order: middle right and, finally, left.
Return to the third energy control room and the console where you
read the generator instruction manual. Turn on the console. After
the simulation has run, a noise sounds behind you in the power
frequency room. Return there. The researcher has been shot but has
left the clue 1281 written in blood. On the wall is a device
covered in bloody
fingerprints. Use the fingerprint collecting device to take a
sample. Continue exploring, and you will catch sight of someone
running. Follow him into the passageway into Dr. Kirk's personal
Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab
While walking into the lab, Regina is ambushed by Dr. Kirk, but
Gail saves the day with a well-placed shot. Kirk then gets to do
his mad scientist bit and, just as they do in the movies, explains
everything. He imparts the information that the third energy he
has discovered appears to swap space from one time with another
time. It is, in effect,
a time machine. The dinosaurs are creatures that were in the same
space in time that the island occupies some 65 million years ago.
With the vortex blocking the way out, the only way to leave is to
have the generator run out of control, canceling out the effects
of the vortex. However, a runaway generator has issues of its own.
To operate the generator, you will need an initializer and
stabilizer stored on the B3 level. Kirk gives you key card Lv A
that allows access to all levels of the facility.
Rick then turns up with information that the parts needed to build
a stabilizer and initializer are on this level and hands you a
disc, so you can build them. Meanwhile, the routes to the already
completed levels are crawling with dinosaurs. Again, there
shouldn't be a choice, as a lack of ammo makes Gail's plan
TIP: Choose Rick!
Search the room for various items and read Dr. Kirk's memo. Take
the opportunity to return to the power frequency room and stock up
with ammo. Exit via the west door into third energy area B2. Turn
to your left (Regina's right), exit through the door into the
passageway, and toast the dinosaur. Continue into the parts
storage room and enter into the previously locked door opposite
you. Push aside the cabinet to reveal an object and the
wiretapping device. Play the recording and listen closely. A
musical combination is played at the end.Read the file of Dr.
Kirk's messages to the staff. The six parts needed to construct
the stabilizer and initializer are listed.
Use the planning disc with the terminal and enter the code 367204.
This will reveal two of the needed parts. Pick up core parts 1 and
2. Walk around the corner and pick up the grenade gun parts and
turn the grenade gun into a 40mm HK grenade pistol. Exit the room
and head for the security pass room.
Security Pass Room
Walk to the ID card device. Use the ID card and enter Dr. Kirk's
number 31415 and the fingerprint data from the fingerprint device.
(This indicates that Dr. Kirk murdered the shot researcher.)
Overwrite the card data. Then, head back to the parts storage
area. Head to the north door and into the experiment room hall.
There will be two dinosaurs coming from either side. Take them out
and head west toward the laserfence. Turn down the corridor toward
the stabilizer design room.
Stabilizer Design Room
Read the file and discover the codes to get the latest parts. Use
the planning disc on the panel and enter 0367 as instructed by the
file. Pick up the Protect P 1-B stabilizer part. Walk to the south
of the room and use the planning disc with the device and operate
the panel by inputting the second code 0204. Pick up the protect P
1-A and protect P 2-A parts. Head back out into the experimental
hall, deactivate the laser fence, reactivate it behind you, and
enter the stabilizer experiment room.
Stabilizer Experiment Room
If you didn't pick up the plug the first time in this room, pick
it up now. In the far corner is a panel. Use the code 1281 (so it
didn't mean "I too ate one"!) and get the shotgun parts. Walk
through the level A door and find the slot with the green light.
Use the planning disc to get the protect P 2-B part, the last of
the six parts you needed. Find the machine in the center of the
room and assemble the parts to make the stabilizer and the
initializer. The puzzle is a rather annoying hand-coordination
puzzle that requires you revolve the pieces in a weightless
environment. Return via the experiment room hall to the parts
storage room and either duck into the security pass room to save
or go straight to the DDK D room. Return to the third energy
storage area B2 and third energy control room to return to the
main console.
NOTE: This is the end of Rick's path.
TIP: Choose Gail!
Walk out of Dr. Kirk's personal lab and into the third energy
area. Continue straight west to the third energy control room.
Third Energy Control Room
In the southwest corner is an elevator that will take you to floor
B3. Exit in the rest station and, after defeating a couple of
determined dinosaurs, follow the passageway around to the carrying
out room and control room.
Control Room
Stock up on any and all materials you can get out of the yellow
and red emergency boxes and proceed out of the door next to the
yellow emergency box to the general weapons storage.
General Weapons
A couple of strong dinosaurs immediately attack. After you have
taken care of them, move to the door to the transport passageway
on the north side of the room.
Transport Passageway
Once inside, yet another dinosaur will attack. Move to the east
door and open the A door into the special weapons storage room.
Read Dr. Kirk's file, walk to the southwest corner of the room,
and take the lift upstairs to a cold storage room. Take the
initializer and stabilizer. Return to the transport passageway and
deactivate the laser shield. Inside are a couple of plugs and some
grenade bullets. Retrace your steps back until you get to the rest
station. Then, go north to the central stairway and, after dealing
with some troubling dinosaurs, go upstairs. Walk down the
passageway to the experiment area and enter the security pass
Security Pass Room
Walk to the ID card device. Use the ID card and enter Dr. Kirk's
number of 31415 and the finger print data from the finger print
device. (This indicates that Dr. Kirk murdered the shot
researcher.) Overwrite the card, return the way you came back to
the rest station, and take the elevator to the main computer
console in the third energy control room.
NOTE: This is the end of Gail's path.
Third Energy Control Room
Turn on the main console and return to third energy storage area
B2 to place the stabilizer and initializer.
Third Energy Storage Area B2
Walk forward and past the bridge walkway that you activated so
long ago. Keep going until you come to the double exit door and
turn right (do not exit out of the doors). At the end of the
corridor is an elevator. Walk to the blue-lit control panel and
press the button to go down to third energy area B3.
Third Energy Area B3
Walk down the walkway, climb up the stairs across the gangway, and
head down the stairs on the other side. Continue walking until you
come to a box with a green light on the wall. Press the button and
insert the initializer. Continue along the gangway to pick up the
plug and activate the third energy generator. Return to the
elevator and again push the button to return to third energy
storage area B2.
The Endings
Third Energy Storage Area B2
Walk back to the extended bridge and this time walk along that
bridge. At the end of the bridge walkway is the stabilizer
location. Press the button to open it and insert the stabilizer.
Then, face the panel and activate the third energy generator.
Get ready for a major cutscene showing the generator powering up.
Rick warns Regina that once they throw the switch, there is no
turning back. Meanwhile, Gail is hurt when the ceiling falls.
Immediately exit into third energy storage area B2.and run to Dr.
Kirk's personal lab and through to the library. Gail is still
pinned, but tells Regina he has tagged the doctor with a
transmitter and gives the pulse receiver to her. Regina helps Gail
back to the disembarkation room. Gail wants to go for Kirk, but
Rick wants to leave. The choice is up to you.
TIP: Choose Gail's plan.
Dr. Kirk has gone for the stabilizer in the special weapons
storage area. To go after him, you must take out various dinosaurs
along the way. Enter the rest room and take the passageway to the
carrying out room. From carrying out room B3, head to control room
B3 (stock up on ammo and medical supplies here). Then, it's off to
general weapons storage. Head through the transport passageway,
then into the special weapons storage room.
You find Gail covering Dr. Kirk. Gail gives you a disc containing
all the information on the third energy and how to use it as a
weapon. This has been your real mission, known only to Gail. Once
the disc is returned, the real mission is then complete. Gail
succumbs to his wounds, and you escort Dr. Kirk back to the
disembarkation area and explain the situation to Rick. Rick
escorts Dr. Kirk down the passageway to the port, and you follow.
Step out into the port.Port. The T-rex is lying in front of you.
As you open the hovercraft storage room, the T-rex stirs.
Everything seems fine, but suddenly the T-rex is bearing down on
you. Take the box Rick gives you with the plug and grenade bullets
(if your inventory is full, use a medical kit on yourself) and
open the medical kit on the back of the boat. As the T-rex
attacks, keep firing until Rick jumps in with a rocket.
TIP: Choose Rick's idea.
Regina delicately and politely persuades Gail not to go. Rick
carries the unconscious Gail to the port, and Regina follows. Pick
up the item in the hallway and head to the port. Walk around the
port to the north and find the hovercraft storage door.
Hovercraft Storage
Once inside, turn right to walk up the stairs and access the red
emergency box. Once resupplied as appropriate, take the stairs
down to the hovercraft area and talk to Rick. Rick explains that
the hovercraft needs fuel. Take the empty tank, go upstairs back
up to the port, and find the fuel in some barrels with red
markings. After giving the fuel
to Rick, the T-rex stirs, and Regina leaves to deal with it. Load
up with the grenade rounds that Rick gave you and enter the port.
When in doubt, run! As you flee from the T-rex, a "Fire" highlight
will appear on the screen. Turn and fire the grenade gun at the
T-rex. Keep firing, and after a number of hits, Rick will appear
with a rocket to settle matters. Regina jumps onto the hovercraft,
and the exploding third energy generator takes care of any last
aggression from the T-rex.
Third Ending
Agree with Rick, but Regina delicately and politely persuades Gail
not to go. Rick carries the unconscious Gail to the port. Activate
the pulse receiver to find the location of Dr. Kirk. However,
instead of going to the red area, go to the underground heliport.
Go out to the rest station and quickly move into the central
stairway. If you don't hurry, a dinosaur will come into the room.
At the end of the central stairway, open the A door into the port
transport passageway. Pick up slag bullets and press the green
button to take the transport along the passageway.
At the end of the passageway, open the A door to take another
transport along the heliport transport passageway to the
underground heliport. Sneak up on the doctor and subdue him. Pick
up the grenade ammunition and examine the yellow emergency box
before returning to the heliport transport passageway to meet Rick
and Gail. Load up on the grenades and keep firing at the T-rex
when you have the opportunity. Sit back and watch the ending.
Final Report
Once safely back at base, Regina files a status report concerning
the mission on the individuals involved.
Cheat Codes and Easter Eggs
Having completed the game successfully, two new costumes are
available for Regina. These are the army uniform, which apparently
means running around in very small shorts, and the battle uniform,
which resembles some kind of lingerie placed on top of the
standard uniform. After you have beaten the game a second time,
the ancient costume is also available.
Once the game has been beaten three times, you can move onto the
mission mode. The three missions are a timed challenge to take out
a number of dinosaurs and return to the starting point.

Operation Wipe Out: Mission One
Time Limit: 5.00
Targets: 10
This one is relatively easy.
Start in the medical room hallway and, in order, go to hall B1,
the hallway for carrying materials (to the south of hall B1), main
hallway B1 (to the north of hall B1), the library, the research
area hall, and gas experiment room. Then, return to the medical
room hallway stairs.
Operation Wipe Out: Mission Two
Time Limit: 4.00
Targets: 6
This is more of challenge, especially as you can end up fighting
three dinosaurs at once. Start in the passageway to the experiment
area and, in order, go to the security pass room, parts storage
room, experiment room hall (where you will find the three
dinosaurs), and then back to the passageway (off the branch from
the parts storage room, through the DDK D door).
Operation Wipe Out: Mission Three
Time Limit: 3.00
Targets: 7
This mission is utterly insidious; if the dinosaurs aren't
difficult enough, you also must run a fair way. Chances are, the
time will get you rather than the dinosaurs. Start in the central
stairway and, in order, go to the rest station, the passageway to
the carrying out room, carrying out room B3, the control room, the
general weapons storage room, the transport passageway, and then
back to the central stairway.

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