Retail Version:
If you want a quick cheat, you will have to edit the ...\data\Peds\Settings.txt file (... is the directory into which you installed Carmageddon 2).
Near the start of the file (in the general stuff section) you should see a line that has three numbers followed by the text "// Points score per ped (each level)". Edit the threenumbers to three other larger numbers. This will change the number of credits you win for killing pedestrians.
In addition, on the line below you should see three numbers followed by "// Time score per ped (each level)". Increasing these three numbers gives you more time per pedestrian killed.
Special thanks to John Anderson for providing these cheats
DEMO Version:
If you want to play as any car in the demo (excluding the truck), then all you have to do is change one line in the GENERAL.TXT (in the data directory), which reads EAGLE3.TXT (it's right after 'Cars to use as defaults:' ) to anything you want. The names of the cars you can use are found in the data/cars dir. Note: any try by me to change the car to the truck (using VOLVO.TXT) caused the demo to lock up at the screen.
If you want to play with 100,000,000,000 credits, then all you have to do is change one line in the GENERAL.TXT (which is in the DATA folder), which reads, "// Starting money for each skill level" (look closely, its hard to find) to 100000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000.
Carmageddon 2 - Hints
While playing Carmageddon2, I figured out a way to take off at the start of a race before the announcer finishes counting down: As soon as the race comes up, and you arer ready, hold down the Z key or your wheel spin while holding down the gas, then let go of the wheel spin key and keep on the gas, the anouncer will say, "Hey you!" and then you're free to take off with a mighty advantage way before the announcer finishes counting down!
Thanks Игорю