and you'll appear on a long walkway. At the end of the walkway, you'll find a Skaarj Warrior,
Tarydium Sludge, and an Eightball Gun. Be careful when you attempt to grab the Eightball Gun
or you may tumble off of the walkway to your death. After collecting the goodies, turn right and
walk up the ramp. This will lead to a path that holds an ASMD Core, Rifle Rounds, and
Eightballs. Beyond these, look for the door that leads to a platform holding Flak Shells, Razor
Blades, and an Assault Vest. When you have all that you can carry, turn around and return to the
Back at the junction, walk down the hallway to the left of the greenish tunnel. This also contains
a transport field. Once through the transport field, you'll find an abundance of items in the new
area. Among them are Med-Kits, Tarydium Shards, Razor Blades, and an Eightball Gun. When
you have everything, walk to the door on your left and enter the energy center.
In the energy center, walk to the computer console atop the stairs, and you'll receive the
following message:
"Report 190: Shrk'Tajji 2nd Lesser Eye of Ess'Tajji observing. We are ready for the next
experiment. We expect an 18 percent drop in Power Reserves from 100 percent levels. The test
subject is in place and the Tarydium is prepared for charging."
Now, press the button here and return back to the junction once more.
When you reach the junction, there is now only one more path to take. This is the hall between
the two transport field halls. If you came here earlier, you would have found the message:
"Access Denied: Power reserves at 100 percent"
And the door was locked. Now, however, you can pass through. Beyond the door, step onto the
central platform, which will lift you to the next door. In the hallway, you'll find some Med Kits
and Rifle Rounds. There may be another Skaarj Warrior lurking here as well. Continue through,
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