Open compartment and remove this medallion and insert medallion from Church. This gives you instructions on how to recharge to
Lev. finder at Stonehenge-- (Lev finder on center stone, put crystal cube on finder and when Red color, it's charged...take finder away.)
Exit to map and go to Yucatan.
Look at sunbleached rock and at plants. Go off screen R to Mystic's hut. Look at marks on stone idol outside hut -- these are a
musical score.
Talk to Mystic..."come back with precise question"
Go back to forest and exit screen left ("above" rock) to Pyramid. See boa constrictor by Mayan Head. Go to (chamber) door "behind"
Mayan head ...see 4 buttons and push them to learn that they control movement:
left up right down
Return to Mystic's hut and talk to him about what you have discovered. He tells you secret for entering pyramid: you need a snake, a
yellow flower of sun, egg of bird and bone of animal cursed by man (this last item should remind you of your desert carrying-ons)
Return to pyramid and approach boa. Use sleeping rat on it. Take snake. Go around behind (left corner) or pyramid and see nest us by
top of pyramid. Use make-shift blow pipe (bronze tube combined with cartridge case) with nest. Examine fallen nest and take egg.
Return to forest area.
Use chrome spray with shard of glass (from Tobias' cabin) to make mirror. Use mirror on sun-drenched rock to turn flower yellow
with sun. Pick the flower. Return to mystic with snake, egg and flower. Exit to map and go to Butcher shop in Desert Village.
Butcher Shop
Talk to butcher. Look at thigh bone. Talk to butcher again and buy the bone. Take bone. Return to Yucatan.
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