physical attack and take her out. When Shilla dies, she drops the
Rune Cage Key.
Run across that wide stone bridge and run through the doorway. As
you do so, the ground will rumble loudly - turn around and you'll
see a Rune rise out of the ground. Ignore it for now and return to
Arokh's platform - as you approach a brief movie will show Rynn
using the Cage Key to free Arokh. Get on his back and walk or fly
him to the tunnel - you want to get back outside again in order to
Level TenVOLCANO - Level 10B - Dragon Armor & Beyond
Finding the Dragon Armor\Storage Rune & Storage Room
When you near the Rune by the doorway to outside, a long movie
begins, showing Arokh getting his new breath weapon - Lava - and
then a conversation between him and Rynn. When it's over, you'll
find yourself standing on the stone bridge with a large dragon
rushing up to attack you. Get in the air immediately and take him
out. If you move too far West while dodging fire, you'll have to
contend with a 2nd dragon, who is hiding behind a tall rock in that
direction, so be cautious.
**Note: Once again, you'll find that Arokh's breath weapon has
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