Title: KKnD 2: Krossfire
Code: To access the cheats in Krossfire, you must
do two things:
1.The game must be run with the command
line option '-badnews'.
To do this you should make a shortcut to
the kknd2.exe file. Next you need to edit
the properties of the shortcut
([ALT]+[ENTER]). In the target field, add
'-badnews' to the end of the line. It
should look something like this:
C:\Games\KKND Krossfire\Kknd2.exe"
2.To activate the cheats in the game, you
must press [CTRL] and [TAB] together at
exactly the same time. It may take you a
little while to hit them together. When
you do, a message will be displayed
saying 'Cheats Enabled'.
These are the cheats:
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