Andrea's News Reports Enter the password "Andrea" to hear one of her special news reports. submitted by I8SANDWICH
Evade Ambush In the first level you have to pick up a box. Around the box are all kinds of huts and bushes. Destroy all of these first to evade the ambush. submitted by DarkLord 69 (swa_004015@nwoca)
Extra Lives For four lives, enter the password PHOENIX. For five lives, enter the password WARRIOR. submitted by jmazz@earthlink.net and Mr. Alien
FMV Preview of Future Strike When entering a password at the password screen, enter "COMMERCIAL" as the password and you'll get the Full Motion Video preview of Future Strike, the next Strike Series game. submitted by Venom (CODE4DOP@AOL.COM)
God Mode For infinite armor, fuel and attempts, enter the password PACKISBACK. submitted by VPJ57@aol.com
Hidden Harriers The hidden harriers are: Mission 2 - In the airfield, destroy all buildings and the one, if ... Далее >>