All Weapons and Infinite Ammo:
Pause the game and highlight the Weapons
menu. Press and hold
Right + L2 + R2 + Circle + Square + X
Level Select:
Pause the game. Go into the Options menu.
Highlight the Select
Mission option. Press and hold Left + L1 + R1 + Select
+ Square + X
Easier Enemies:
Pause the game and highlight the MAP entry. Press
and hold Right,
R1, L2, X.
Easier Enemies (PAL version):
Pause the game and highlight the MAP entry. Press
and hold Right,
L1, R1, R2, Circle, X.
Harder Game:
At the title screen press and hold Left, L1, R2,
Select, Square,
Circle, and X.
Harder Game (PAL version):
Highlight the "New Game" option on the title
screen, then hold L1
+ L2 + R2 + Square + Circle + X.
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