Назвать посетителя: Alfred H - куча птиц пугает людей и гонит их из зоопарка Russell C - все заграждения звериные разрушает на 100% John Wheeler -все домики для животных доступны Hank Howie -весь персонал исследован Adam Levesque - все здания заботы о животных Andrew Binder - все животные постройки 1. Open config.ztd with winzip. 2. Open Economy.cfg with notepad or wordpad. 3. Search for cZooDooRecyclingAmount and change the number to whatever you want. This will be the profit for every recycle you do. Normally you recycle around 8-12 times per month. 4. Also, look for cKeeperCost which should be 800. This is the salary you pay your zoo keepers. Change it to something lower and your expenses will decrease dramatically. 5. If you want more money at start of the game, edit zoo.ini with notepad or wordpad and find a line called MSMaxCash. Change that to whatever you want and you can start out with a couple of million.
Unlock the Triceratops Name one of your exhibits "Cretaceous Corral". This will unlock the Triceratops.
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