Play as McSqueeb
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode with Tony Hawk to unlock 80's Tony Hawk (Tony
Hawk's Style C).
Special Levels
Platform: PC
Chopper Drop: Hawaii level
Earn three gold medals with all characters.
Skate Heaven level
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode with all of the original characters, Officer Dick,
Spider-Man, and a custom skater.
Special Meter Always Full
Platform: PC
Pause the game, then hold [Numpad 7] and press [Spacebar], V,
B(2), [Up], [Left], V, C to always have a full special meter.
If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.
Alternately, successfully complete the game by completing all
level objectives in career mode five times.
Special Modes
Platform: PC
Skip to restart (random start locations)
Successfully complete the game by completing all level objectives
in career mode two times.
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