badtree [radius] - finds trees that are too close to each other or an obstacle wall. radius defaults to the character collision radius plus some slop. dumps info to error_out, so it will be in the log file on a release build. puts flames at the location of the bad trees
cover name radius n -- will display up to n cover points within "radius" of character "name". if the character's name has any spaces in it, replace them with "_".
findcover x y z [radius] -- prints cover point found for the players position relative to a threat at x y z to the debug log, radius is optional
loc -- prints the players location to the debug log
names [radius] -- turns on a text display of character's names, out to a radius (optional, default is 10 meters)
aiinfo -- adds what the ai is doing to the string shown by the names command
airoe -- like aiinfo, but puts the movement and combat roes over their heads
hidecorpse -- toggles name display for corpses (also have to have names on to see them)
"path [x0 y0 z0] [x1 y1 z1]" -- tries to generate a path from 0 to 1. if 1 is not specified, tries to generate a path from 0 to the avatar's position. if 0 and 1 are not specified, tries to generate a path from a "mark" position (see below) to the avatar's position. with no arguments, will try to use mark2 and mark. if the arguments to the command are wrong, an alarm sound is played. if a path is successfully generated, a voice says, "yes". if not, a voice says, "we're short on time, let's move out."
"mark" -- stores the avatar's position for later use with the path command
"mark2" -- stores the avatar's position for later use with the path command
"trail" -- shows the safepoints generated by fireteam leaders as flames
aimerror [horizontal vertical] -- sets the range of horizontal and vertical error (in meters) of the aim location. with no arguments, prints format and current value to the debug log. you should generally use this to make them inaccurate. default .15 and 0.05.
miss [min] -- sets the minimum horizontal and vertical error (in meters) of the aim location. with no arguments, prints format and current value to the debug log. default 0.
ToggleShowPerfCounters - toggles off/on all performance counters. ( Note this will turn off/on everything )
perf - exactly like "ToggleShowPerfCounters", but easier to remember and to type
ToggleShowFrameRate - toggles off/on frame rate counters.
ToggleShowTotalStats - toggles off/on totals stats.
ToggleShowLevelStats - toggles off/on level stats.
ToggleShowActorStats - toggles off/on actor stats.
ToggleShowInterfaceStats - toggles off/on interface stats.
ToggleShowEffectsStats - toggles off/on effects stats.
ToggleShowTextureMemoryStats - toggles off/on texture memory stats
ToggleShowSystemMemoryStats - toggles off/on system memory stats. (Note:this only includes the memory for the vertex array, face array, vertex buffers, and index buffers. )
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