"Alien Virus" walkthrough by Darksheer
OK, this one was a stubborn one but anyways...
Some notes:
when i write "go back" i mean
you should go some screens back to the place
with items which are mentioned in the next
action or the last fork.
also when i write 'chat with..' be sure to
chat on all topics available.
and finally almost every door on ship has
a scanner near it - i dont mention it in
walkthrough but some of the doors can be
opened after you use the scanner near it.
but some doors are fake so you wont be able
to open them.
open cockpit
take toolbox
go to hangar
use stripper with broken cables
use tape with broken cables
open door
take cartridge,battery,cloth
use cloth with bottle
take cloth
open door
use cable on battery
go to cockpit
use button
use recharge block with energy tap
use recharge block with battery box
chat with robot
try to open the far door
chat with robot
open door
take lamp
open left door
examine screen
open 2nd drawer from left
get memory card
open door
go back to robot
chat with robot
give memory card to robot
go back to the last fork
use memory card with 2 remaining doors
open right door
examine screen
take neon,jar
use neon with lamp
go back
open front door
open right door
examine jetpack
go forward
open door
open left door
open cupboard
take 2 containers, socket wrench
open box
get dynamite
go back
open right door
take brush
go back
open front door
try to open right & forward doors
use socket wrench with left door
use cloth on jar
chat with Quenivis Karde
use jar on him
chat again
go forward
use keycard on keyreader
open door
use wrench with glass
take fireaxe, flare
use keycard with keyreader
open door
use dynamite with safe
go back twice
use button
go back to safe
take 2 fireboxes
one of them opens fine and another one with fireaxe
go back
open drawer
use button (near monitor)
use key to control room with left keyread
open door
chat with human interface
give cartridge to him
open door
use scanner
open door
open left door
use resizer gun with both suits
use wrench with cupboard
take dried food
go back
open right door
take paint
use resizer gun with box
open vent
go into the vent
here navigate using printed map of tunnels to the exit
chat with Angelo
use lamp
take 3 cards
go forward
use RGB card with right door' keyreader
open door
take metal piece
go forward twice
open robot paunch
go back to main room
use BRG card on left door' keyreader
open door
take jacket, locator beacon
go back
examine corpse
use glue on hand (not yours but corpse's)
use hand (his) on scanner
use scanner
open right door
go forward
open right door
use security key with scanner near left door
open door
chat with Randell Carillon
give him dried food
try to take grease
go back
open front door
use stripper with cable
back to room with Randell
use socket
use charge block with solar accumulator
back to kitchen
use charge block with charge tap
take food pack
go back to the fork where we went into the right door only
open left door
open left door
go back
open lift door
open cupboard
take oxygen tank, chain, neon
use buttons - lift is stuck now
use neon with lamp
open hatch
go to shaft
open door
use metal piece on foam
open door
use metal piece with foam
open door
go to shaft
open door
get acid
go back
go to the shaft
go twice to the right
use all flippers to shut down fans (the last one is broken)
go back to the tunnel
browse through tunnels to find the grease
use resizer gun with grease
now go back to the place in tunnel with a hatch - where you entered
these tunnels first
use chain with handle
use grease with floor
use lamp
now, with last fan stopped go through it to find out new room -
just right under the elevator
use acid on lift's brake
go to the shaft
use spindle
use metal piece with spindle
use jacket with shard
use jacket
open right door
use wrench with cover
use fireaxe with weight
open left door
open right door
get bulb,bonsai,key
open front door
use tape with broken cable
take replica
chat with terminal
use scanner
chat again
use window control
examine figure
use bulb with torch
go back
open left door
open door
go forward
use fireaxe with Cara's belt
Go back to station
chat with Cara
give her oxyhen tank
go 2 rooms back
take plastic on floor
use button
open door
open right door
get chain,machinery
go back
open left door
take synt liquor
open cupboard
take card
go back
use card with control device
use resizer gun with hook
go down
use fireaxe on arm
use machinery on arm
use chain on machinery
use chain on junk pile
use switch
open door
go between boxes
chat with Shorts
give liquor to him
go forward
open door
chat with captain
go back to the last fork
go forward until you see door
use fireaxe on foam
use scanner
open door
use key on the lock
use the lever
take cracked crystal and a normal one
use each of them on the place where the other one was
use glue on plastic
use plastic on tube
use torch on plastic
use the lever
go back to the terminal in room with mechanical curtains
chat with terminal and you must contact the passing by ship
and see the crew members being rescued, also logon on another
terminal to find out everything. logoff back.
finally give destruction card to the terminal
now go to space, one screen short of place where Cara was
go up
go into the hangar
go into the cockpit
P.S. If you are bored with the game then i will spoil you the
ending: you and Cara escape and an alien also does so .......
"to be continued!" - wait for Alien Virus 2: The Hidden Agenda
Thanks to Robert Schlabbach and Pietro Montelatici for helping me
on some of the puzzles (nope, not puzzles but spotfinding!).