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Map two main areas - Castle of Manyeye Tower level on a 33 x 33
Grid and the other level on a 23 x 23 Grid.
The Village is small enough not to bother mapping.
Once you've landed the Party needs Light. Avoid the shipwrecks as
they cause damage. You'll almost immediately encounter an Octopus
or two. These beasts have something in the region of 700 hit
points, they are really tough cookies. I think that there are
around four sets of these yo-yos around.
Make your way to the Village and enter the Inn to meet Atacar
downstairs on the patio. The Statues have no significance. If
you're weighed down with Gold there's a good chance to get rid of
some by buying a Scimitar from the counter. Say "Aching" after
greeting him and give him a Packet of Herbs. He tells you about
the Treasure Map hidden in a tree close to his brother's grave.
Say "brother" and "Manyeye" for more. The tree is located south of
the grave with the fresh flowers.
The map shows part of the cave with a Volcano at the centre. This
is to be found in the southeast and is en-route to the Castle.
Search just to the north of the Volcano, the north pile of ash.
The Chest you find contains two lockpicks, a Piece of Amberstar,
2478 Gold, Horn of Food, Orb of Magic, an Assassin's Blade and a
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