me. A big throne area around here has two plates. If you drop a rock bag on
each one a wall opens revealing a chest with a suit of armor. This armor is
inferior to the knights armor, but it slows poison. If you have the poison
shield, you don't need it. If you want to look like a lizard man, this armor
is for you, though. North of this area is a hidden room, behind an false
wall that moves when you put a bag of rocks on a plate (behind an illusory
wall). There are wind chimes in a chest. Get them. Once you clean out this
area, head southeast. You will find some illusory walls and lots of Murk
Elementals. Eventually you will find a talking sword being held by two magic
chains. Put money in the holes to free it. This is the second best sword in
the game and you will need it. In the west, behind some illusory walls, is a
wind elemental. With the chimes in your possession you can understand her.
She will teach you an important spell you will need in Fire Mountain.
Finally, go to the center where the Wicked Tree is. It's surrounded by rocks
and protected by those Beast of Trung. Use the yellow sword to chop off a
piece of wood. You now have all the pieces you need to build the dark slag
container. Head to the north east and the exit. You will end up on top of
the giant hand. Use the whistle of firey summons and you will be taken to
the Dark Lords...I mean the Warlord's tower. FIRE MOUNTAIN Goal: Meet Black
Gnarl, get him to make you the Container, find the words of opening. Okay,
you need to go here after the Quagmire, but you've ended up on the Warlord's
doorstep instead. No problemo. Just enter the Warlord's tower. Two Sword
Thanes will attack you (and a Cacofiend, which you can ignore for now if you
like). One of the Sword Thanes will drop a gold ankh key. Use it on the do
to your right. Enter the 'porter and head for the nearest exit. You will be
facing Fire mountain. Step off the landing and you will be teleported there.
Now enter. This place is on two levels. The first level is similar to the
Barrier, in that you need to open doors to get through the mountain so you
can reach the Anvil of the Dawn. But first you have to meet Black Gnarl and
get your container made. To enter the stairs leading down you will need to
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