filings with it. use this with dirty cup on table to return it to
position. Crook should return.
Ask to play (automatic scene....keep playing) He gives you gem.
Return to inner cave and give gem to holy man (automatic scene)
Mechanism is now powered up. "use" helmet to see transmission from
medallion that is *already* in the compartment. (don't worry about
instructions for reading other medallions, all you'll have to do is
insert them and use the helmet).
Open compartment and remove the medallion (that was already there, that
you just heard) and insert medallion from Batcave. Use helmet. After
this transmission, use parchment from her tomb and you should "see"
coordinates that put Yucatan on map.
Open compartment and remove this medallion and insert medallion from
Church. This gives you instructions on how to recharge to Lev. finder at
Stonehenge-- (Lev finder on center stone, put crystal cube on finder and
when Red color, it's charged...take finder away.) Exit to map and go to
Look at sunbleached rock and at plants. Go off screen R to Mystic's hut.
Look at marks on stone idol outside hut -- these are a musical score.
Talk to Mystic..."come back with precise question"
Go back to forest and exit screen left ("above" rock) to Pyramid. See
boa constrictor by Mayan Head. Go to (chamber) door "behind" Mayan head
...see 4 buttons and push them to learn that they control movement:
left up right down
Return to Mystic's hut and talk to him about what you have discovered.
He tells you secret for entering pyramid: you need a snake, a yellow
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