Continue right around the launch pad to the airship to get the "Airship" keyword. Go back around the left side of the launch pad and upstairs to the launch pad control room. Inspect the console on the right. Pick up and use the *Voralberg key* on the console. Open the rectangular panel below the On/Off switch and connect the 2 wires there. Turn on the power switch. Pull out the square-shaped *blood testing apparatus* from the right side. Go back to the cosmonaut and ask him about "Airship" to get the *airship key*. Unlock the airship and pull the lever inside. Go back to the control room area and use the blood testing apparatus on the cosmonaut. Go inside the control room and put the blood testing apparatus back into the console. Press the far left button, then the 2nd button from the left. Click the hole on the blood testing apparatus, not the handle, to put a new blood sample inside. Press the 2nd button from the left again, then the 3rd, and finally the 4th.
Exit the control room and go left. Pick up the red *crank handle* on the ground by the boxes. Go down and left past the capsule to the stairs behind the rocket. Use the crank handle on the siren at the top of the stairs. Go back to the airship and use the lever again.
D. "Aralbad" _______________
Exit the airship and enter the hotel. Leave the manager and go down twice. Inspect the closet on the left and pick up the green *detergent* bottle. Go back by the manager and open the curtains on the front window. Go outside and use the detergent on the fountain. Go back inside and ring the bell on the front desk to get rid of the manager. Go behind the front desk and inspect it. Push the red button on the edge of the desk to open the gate. Pick up the *hotel brochure* on ... Далее >>