mp_autokick (default 1)
Enable automatic team-killer banning and idle client kicking.
mp_autoteambalance (default 1)
Toggles auto balancing of teams.
mp_chasecam (default 0)
Limit observers to chase modes.
mp_c4timer (default 45 sec)
C4 timer duration. Minimum of 15, maximum of 90.
mp_freezetime (default 6 sec)
The length in seconds of the Freeze period at the beginning of rounds. Set to 0 to disable.
mp_roundtime (default 5 min)
Min round time is 1 min. Max round time is 9 min. Supports partial minutes (1.5 is 90 seconds).
mp_friendlyfire (default 0)
Set to 1 to enable friendly fire, 0 to disable.
mp_timelimit (default 0 min)
Period between map rotations.
mp_maxrounds (default 0)
Maximum number of rounds to be played on a map, leave at 0 to obey mp_timelimit.
mp_footsteps (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable footsteps, 0 to disable.
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