Then Fosters can play trick on Reich.
Go downstairs after Reich was left. Go right and examine
the junks. There is a ROBOT SHELL on the right side.
Insert JOEY CIRCUIT BOARD into the robot shell. Now Joey
can be activated as a cleaning-purposed robot. Talk to
him. Go right, talk to the man, Hobbins. Try to open the
cupboard but Hobbins will prevent you from doing so. Go
back to the junk room, stand on the LIFT and then the alarm
will be activated, so Hobbins will come out and disable the
alarm. During this moment, Fosters should run to the
machine room and open the CUPBOARD and take every thing as
soon as possible. If Fosters fails to do so, play the same
trick again. There are a SPANNER and a piece of SANDWICH
inside the cupboard.
Go back to the junk room and wait for the TRANSPORTER.
Examine the transporter. Talk to Hobbins about the
transporter and then go back to the junk room and ask Joey
to start the transporter. Once the transporter is
activated, it will transport wastes to the lift. When the
lift is going down, Fosters should climb down through the
Now Fosters arrives at the furnace room. Wait for Joey.
Talk to him and then examine the LOCK of the door. Ask
Joey to open it. When the door is opened, Reich comes in
and points his gun at Fosters. It is surprise that the LINC
watchcamera kills Reich before he kills Fosters. Examine
the CORPSE, and take his ID CARD and a pair of DARK
GLASSES. The dark glasses is useless. Exit to the upper
level corridor.
Don't go to the police station and use the ID card to
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