- The story behind the island that holds Castle Entemar - i.e.
why it is far away and no one really knows about it. Some
background from Denatrius
- Rivalry between the Tamar and the Morin
- Ziphanu the Air God - Lives in Air Temple. Enric the dwarf
knows this. There is a temple in Kafari and one on the island of Tanala.
Tulara (Unamar & Hataan)
Rinwen Orb - The orb is actually the polished silver eye of
Highgelfor a giant, living, steel statue made by Rhork to guard
his island home during the first Tarq War. The single eye of
the statue was said to be able to to see the whole of Tarq. It
was plucked out by a human hero who snuck up behind the statue
using a magical cloak and hit the back of the statue's head
with a battering ram, popping the eye into the ocean. It was
recovered by Bloogridpr, the merman hero who used it to find
the hidden shrine of the Tlengle god, and defile it. Then he
gave it to the air god for safe keeping.
Point treasure in Air Temple. Location from Pleitan in Kafari,
who also knows of the Air God who lives there.
Important Places in Unamar
Tulara [154,208]: on the foldout map.
Pran's Camp [133,207]: Over the mountains to the west, in a forest.
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