запускаем игру с параметром: MaxPayne2.exe -developer
жмем [~] и вводим:
Cheat code: Result:
coder God Mode, All Weapons, Ammo
god God Mode
mortal God Mode Off
getallweapons All Weapons
showfps Show FPS
showextendedfps Show Extended FPS
getberetta Beretta with 1000 Ammo
getbullettime Put Player in Bullettime
getcoltcommando Colt Commando with 1000 Ammo
getdeserteagle Desert Eagle with 1000 Ammo
getdragunov Dragunov with 1000 Ammo
getgraphicnovelpart1 Fill in Story Line
getgraphicnovelpart2 Fill in Story Line
getgraphicnovelpart3 Fill in Story Line
gethealth Get 1000 Health
getingram Ingram with 1000 Ammo
getkalashnikov Kalashnikov with 1000 Ammo
getmolotov Molotov with 1000 Ammo
getmp5 MP5 with 1000 Ammo
getpainkillers 1000 Painkillers
getpumpshotgun Pump Shotgun with 1000 Ammo
getsawedshotgun Sawed-Off Shotgun with 1000 Ammo
getsniper Sniper Rifle with 1000 Ammo
getstriker Striker with 1000 Ammo
jump10 Jump 10 High
jump20 Jump 20 High
... Далее >>