H - Isaac Richards, the Hacker
M - Delilah Littlepanther, the Mech
P - Father Jonathan Blank, the Priest
T - Jimmy Suttle, the Thief
V - Alexander Keltin, the Vampire
W - Selma Gray, the Witch
In the walk-through section, actions that can be taken
are accompanied by the appropriate letters before the
action, denoting which characters can accomplish the task
(for example: [T] Pick the lock). If
any character can accomplish the task, there is not an
indication (for example: Read the book).
Section #1 - Hints
General Guidelines
To start with, make sure you listen to the guy in the
briefing room during the introduction. He tells you to make
sure you don't draw attention to yourself so as not to have
that attention lead back to the
Bureau. This is important, especially if you want to finish
the game with a high score. Leaving doors open to houses
that you've broken into is a sure way of drawing attention
to yourself! Smashing things is
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