Quaramonte Speak to the band, then to Pearl.
Go inside the police house and speak to General Grasento then to Renaldo and try to look the chart on the wall.
Go outside and speak to Nico, go on the right and speak to Prof.Oubier and then with Duane, look into the cell window.
Go to the mine office and speak with the boss Conchita.
Go out and speak again with Pearl, then in the police office with Renaldo.
Speak with Duane that will tell you that he needs a detonator, so go to the mine office and speak with Conchita, then outside with Nico about the chart inside the police office. Tell General Grasiento that Nico wants to speak with him, after they leave speak to Renaldo about the tour to the ruins, go outside and tell Pearl that Renaldo will take her to the ruins.
Now look to the chart, and go to the mine office.
Speak to Conchita and get the detonator in the cupboard.
Give the detonator to Duane and go into police office then in the Prison.
Speak to Miguel, after that Renaldo will arrive and you will be closed in the prison.
Now it▓s Nico's turn.
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