Back to the corridor. Exit to the bottom of the screen. Use keycard on the
door to the left. Talk to Merriwind. Use hammer on enclosed tuning fork.
Get a fork. Use it on the telescope lens to break it. Open window shade.
Get a brick floating nearby Merriwind. Open Jack-In-The-Box and get
novelty glasses there. Break them in your inventory with a brick.
Open a window covering monster. After this go to the room with TV screen
and push a cushion and take a coin lying under it. Go back to Merriwind's
room and use coin on eyeball dispenser and take an eyeball. Now you can
note that mushroom morphed into plug. Use grip clamp on it and Merriwind
will be taken into custody. Look into hole to get a flute and a keycard.
Exit to corridor and open a door to your right with a keycard you have
just found. In there unscrew a panel on the mech's left leg and insert
a control board in it. Use FM on mech to activate it. Return to corridor
and unscrew head panel and look at fused circuitry. Use PDA on mech to
get it moving. Mech will break open the door into Dwistor's room. Here
talk with Dwistor but dont try to threaten him (bluff or retreat). Use
flute on him to rescue Milo and get Dwistor into custody. Take a broken
PDA from the floor. Use a turkey leg on the Ketter Beast. Take another
half of winning ticket and use one half on another. Then fly to the
Docks Casino and you will find Alachra there. I dont know whether it will
be the same for you but when Alachra suggests you to play with him choose
his left hand - that should take him into custody. Talk with robot and
give him an eyeball. Then use your ticket on ticket seller to get money.
Go left. Use money on Selena and she will escort you to the Orrary. Here
talk with Milo. You can choose any of 3 plans to see 3 different end
movies but the 2nd one is the right one. Inside, use PDA on planet to
stop it spinning. Use resonance tracer. Use FM on the red rectangle which
appeared on planet. Finally, use hammer on battery.
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