Suspense - НЕ РАБОТАЕТ
2. Bonus Costumes
I'll put up the name of the costume, code in brackets and method to unlock it.
* Block Head Shirt (PutHere2FeelJoy)- Unlocked by completing the game, killing less than 10 enemies.
* Don't Touch Shirt(TOUCH_MY_HEART)- The code is found in the Women's locker room on 2nd floor of the
Alternate Hospital.
* God of Thunder Shirt (GangsterGirl)- Unlocked by completing the game on Extreme Action level.
* Golden Rooster Shirt (cockadooodledoo)- Unlocked by completing the game and get a perfect (10 star)
* Heather Shirt (HappyBirthDay)- Unlocked by completing the game once on any difficulty level.
* Royal Flush Shirt (01_03_08_11_12) - Unlocked by completing Extra New Game mode and start a new
game on Hard Mode. The code is found in the Chapel Archives.
* Transform Costume (PrincessHeart)- Unlocked by completing the game on Extra New Game mode. It's
actually a key. Use it, and you'll be treated to a amusing little cutscene. ^_^
* Transience Shirt(ShogyouMujou)- Unlocked by completing all Riddle Difficulties.
(Credit to DTingley's FAQ for unlocking methods)
3. Extra Scenes
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