385. MG34 Boxed Cartridge Belt
386. Hank of Wire
387. Mine Probe
388. Wire Cutter
389. The key
390. Advanced Picklock
391. Unknown
392. The key
393. Picklock set
394. Unknown
395. Picklock
396. Compressed Gauze Bandage
397. Bullet Extractor
398. Acetophenetidin Analgesic Tablet
399. Forceps, Abbey
400. Liquid Cardiac Stimulant
401. First Aid Kit
402. Cardiac and Respiratory Stimulant
403-404. - Unknown
405. Haemostatic Forceps
406. Adhesive Surgical Plaster
407-408. - Unknown
409. Morphine Injection
410. Fast Haemostatic Powder
411. Morphine Sulfate Analgesic pill
412. Chloroform Powerful Analgesic
413. Haemostatic powder
414. Haemostatic liquid
415-416. - Unknown
417. MG81Z Magazine
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