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Игра: 101: Airbone Invasion Of Normandy

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 1 Текущая : 1

Just type these codes during gameplay:

AirNormandy - soldiers re-jump into normandy
AngryManDinners - soldiers are given food
Iknow - displays all germans, equipment bags, and
insides of buildings
TraitorTraitor - current soldier surrenders
PrisonPod - removes all parachutes
Weasel - all soldiers on the map are made available
YouGoSquishNow - all the germans on the map are killed
Helllive - all the germans on the map are killed.
Ihaveyounow - all the germans on the map are surrendered.
Beef - all the cows on the map are killed.
Heknows - turns off Iknow.
Robocop3 - makes your soldier go berzek.
Hohoho - Gives your GI a brand new MG42

Кто прислал: Dlan Когда: 19:1:2008 - стр. 1 -


Since 1998, Oleg Ilin ()
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