First press tilde (~) to enter the console, then type the following:
angermonsters Angers all monsters (they run around and hunt you down)
aquaticape No target (depending on version)
crazymonsters Berserks all monsters (they run around and kill each other)
freezeworld Freezes world (including you)
give h (0-999) Number of health points given (depending on version)
kill You die
kiwi No clipping
meatwagon Kills all monsters that are currently in the level except bosses (watch out for any spawning monsters, because touching them will instantly kill you)
playbetter God mode
showcoords Display coordinates and camera angle
suckitdown all All weapons, spells, items, and the silver armor
suckitdown armor Silver Armor (1x) Gold Armor (2x)
suckitdown chicken Chicken mode
suckitdown health 100 health
suckitdown lungs Refills oxygen bar when under water
suckitdown mana Refills offensive and defensive mana bars
suckitdown powerup Instant Tome of Power
suckitdown staff Cycles the 3 staff levels
twoweeks Infinite Tome of Power
victor No target or kills all monsters and bosses (depending on version)
Depending on your Heretic 2 version, the level select code is changelevel or map followed by the following map names:
tutorial Heretic II Training Level
tutorial2 Heretic II Training Level
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