NOTE: This amount of money is probably the maximum you can have,
so it is important to spend a lot of it before you earn
some more, otherwise your money-total will scroll around
from the maximum possible to the minimum, so it reports
that you are in the red! It shouldn't really be a problem
to get rid of lots of that money anyway, 'cos there's
plenty of very expensive players on the transfer market!
NOTE2: I found that some very strange things happened to the game
a short while after getting this much cash. It is quite
possible it is just that I run out of memory, because I am
attempting to run the game on a very minimal system.
However, if you get similar problems, it may because the
money-total is too high. If that's the case, simply put
it down to something like "50 00 00 00" which should still
be enough to see you to the top of the table.
Simon Burrows.