Almond blossom - hope
Anemone - afterthought
Buttercup - memories of childhood
carnation - heart
columbine - folly
yellow chrysanthemum - slighted love
white chrysanthemum - truth
cornflower - celibacy
daffodil - death
forget-me-not - true love
hyacinth - sport, game, or play
white lily - purity
yellow lily - falsehood
orchid - seduction
blue periwinkle - early friendship
white periwinkle - pleasures of memory
red poppy - consolation
scarlet poppy - fantastic extravagance
snowdrop - hope or consolation
sunflower - haughtiness
red tulip - declaration of love
yellow tulip - hopeless love
violet - lust
You only need to answer three, so there is a good chance you will
get a lot of the questions I just listed here. This part should
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