Updates and New Cheat Codes
Written by Brian J. "Blazkowicz" Rowan
Welcome, C7 fans. Here is a file that details all of
CORR7CD's new debug commands, and some of its new features.
This file includes the old debug commands, too, in case you
don't know what they are yet.
Corridor 7's CD-ROM version supports network
(cooperative or 'deathmatch' play) and modem head-to-head
play. It adds 10 new levels to the original 36 and some
changes to the original ones. It has lots more graphics
(presumably the cause for a 21-megabyte file, SEQFOUR.CO7, on
the disc), new enemies and sounds, and new weapons (the best
part!) The new weapons include an 'assault' shotgun, a
souped-up model of the alien dual blaster (the same kind the
Otrebor carries), and an alien Disintegrator (sort of like
the BFG9000 from Doom, but this one uses up a full load of
ammo in _2_ shots).
There are also new devices called teleporters. These are
sort of like Doom teleporters, they transport you to another
area of the level. The maximum # of teleporters on a level
seems to be eight (see the debug command BKSP+T). Teleporters
are used instead of elevators on the "alien" floors.
Finally, those little blue "force-field doors" no longer
zap you when you get close. They just block your path like
any other door.
The original (IBM/DOS) version of Corridor 7 had an
inconvenient little problem with the "run" key. It simply had
the same action as the forward movement key, so it doubled
your speed when you pressed the up arrow and the run key at
the same time. It only doubled your speed when you were
moving forward.
This has been fixed. CORR7CD uses a run key style like
Wolfenstein and Blake Stone - it doubles your speed in every
direction. Now you can turn and back up quickly, too.
Levels 1-30: Delta Base (normal) floors
Levels 31-40: 'Alien World' floors
Levels 41-46: Bonus Levels
Levels 47-50: Empty / Unused
Levels 51-58: Special network floors (more
weapons, no aliens, large open
Levels 59-60: Empty / Unused
All of the 'empty' floors appear on the automap as
simply large letters spelling: "Level Empty!" or "Level
Not Defined..." or "Level not AVAILABLE!" That last one seems
to _scream_ it at you <g>. You can move around in these
levels, but they won't do anything for you. Listen to the
music if you want, or fire off all your weapons for the heck
of it. That's about all there is to do there.
Out of ammo? Sick of blasting frantically at those
annoying 'grunts' with your Taser? Press the W, A, X keys
simultaneously (like Wolf3D's MLI cheat) and you receive:
* All weapons
* 200 rounds & 100 alien charges
* Full health
* 25 proximity mines
* Floor plan (the complete map)
* Both Keys
You enter CORR7CD's debug mode the same way you did on
the regular version. In case you don't know about that, at
the DOS prompt (with the CD in the drive), type:
corr7 level1diagnostic
I made a batch file called C7.BAT that does this
automatically; typing that huge command can get irritating,
and if you spell it wrong without DosKey loaded, it's a pain
typing it all back in.
Once the game starts, enter a new mission (or load an
old one, or whatever), then press TAB, LEFT SHIFT, CONTROL
all at once. A message reading "Special Keys Enabled" will be
displayed. From there, you can use the following commands
(combinations of holding down Backspace & the letter
Bksp + W: Warp to any level.
Bksp + R: Shows the "you've been sitting around doing
nothing for too long" skull graphic (you'll
see what I mean).
Bksp + T: Shows teleporter information. Lists
coordinates of all teleporters and the
coordinates they teleport you to.
Bksp + I: Adds to your score, gives you 200 rounds and
100 alien charges (you can get more with
additional keypresses if you picked up an ammo
pack), and the next weapon.
Bksp + P: Asks for a "Flic Name". Manually plays
cinematic sequences???
Bksp + D: Walk Debug mode. Constantly displays real-time
player coordinates, and those coordinates' Map
# (???), Segs, Actor #, and 'A' (??? Maybe the
animation frame?).
Bksp + F: Detailed player / tile / actor information.
Bksp + G: God mode (can't be hurt). Does NOT give you
unlimited ammo.
Bksp + C: Information on statics and actors.
Bksp + N: Toggles clipping mode (no collision detection
so you can walk through solid objects and
Bksp + M: Memory Information.
- / + keys: Messes with the light shading dropoff. Not
much of a difference even when you do change
it; this seems pretty worthless.
If you have a Sound Blaster (or compatible sound card)
and all the sound effects come out as deafening buzzing and
humming noises, you can FIX this problem. The manual says to
start the game by typing:
corr7cd noems noxms
But that's not so good, because the program _seriously_
slows down when it has to animate anything, especially those
computer walls. I set up my computer to boot with 4 megs of
EMS (expanded memory) and 613k of conventional memory, then I
used this command to start Corridor 7:
corr7cd noxms
This ran the program, fixed the sound problem, and did
NOT cause it to slow down! Try it if you're having problems
with the sound effects.
The following things may happen while playing CORR7CD
with debug mode engaged (okay, I don't know if it's because
of debug mode or not, but here's what you can expect
If you try to quit to DOS by pressing F10 _DURING A
GAME_, the program may dump you out with a distorted display
and the message "Out of Memory!" Not to worry about, since
what you wanted to do was leave the program anyway!
Sometimes, for no apparent reason at all, CORR7CD bombs
with some kind of "search failed" message. Just start the
game again and try to avoid doing whatever you did before to
cause the problem (if the error occurred after some kind of
definite action on your part).
Don't ask me to explain why these errors occur, because
I can't! Leave that up to Capstone! Call the tech support
number in the back of the manual!
Brian J. "Blazkowicz" Rowan
CIS: 73552,3423
Internet: blaze@oeonline.com