remaining guard.
6. THE RED CARD: To pass through the door into the cryo-lab you will need
the red security pass key. The key is located in the infirmary, located
on the lower level of the complex, locked in a patients room that has
been quarantined. Along the right wall of the room you can see the red
key card lying on a table. On the wall are vents which are currently
closed. Access the computer terminal in the room to open these vents.
Once the vents are open, you must go back to retrieve the card. Leave
this room and take the first door to the left through the storeroom to
the door leading to the red corridor where the lift is located. After
entering, immediately turn to the left, and walk to the steel grating
blocks your path. Zak will push on the grating and it will fall,
opening up a new passageway. At the end of this passage you will find
the two vents you opened, and can reach through to get the card.
7. THE MUTAGEN SEQUENCE: On your way through the complex you discover that
an experimental virus has infected certain areas, and although a vaccine
has been created, it too has become infected. Five of the eight vaccines
have already been used, leaving three that you can use. To inoculate
yourself against the virus you must first go through the culture to
destroy the infection. If you are playing with Arcade Difficulty level
set to 'EASY', you must destroy at least 50% of the virus. On 'Medium'
difficulty you must kill at least 72% and on the 'Hard' level you must
kill at least 80%. If you are successful, you are informed that the
culture is safe to use, otherwise the culture is still contaminated and
you must try another. After you are successful, note the number of the
vaccine, (either 6, 7 or 8) and use that culture in inoculation chamber.
Note that you have very little time in the chamber before the virus will
kill you, so you must enter the vaccine number in the computer and move
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