FANLO-Key of Courage AAM-Pick Lokcs
INSAHN-Direction of Cup KOH-Mace
UN-Better Deals MUL-Stealth
LAHN-Identify FAL-Nimbleness&Tumbling
HUM-Gauge Quality of Deal SOL-Magical Power
RA-Greater Attack Effect. ANRA-Defense
SUMM RA-General Attack ORA-Unarmed
LU-Better Eyesight ROMM-Traps
LON-Better Repair ONO-Swim
AMO-Sword IMU-Magical Stamina
OM CAH-Practical Skills FAHM-Arrows Accuracy
MU AHM-Magical Skills SAHF-Tracking
By the way, call 4 A.D. at 805-665-1623 (supporting v.32bis)
Written by: Lord DCD