VAS AN ZU (Mass Awaken)
Reagents: Ginseng, Garlic
This spell awakens all unconscious members of the mage's party.
AN EX POR (Paralyze)
Reagents: Spiders Silk, Nightshade
This spell paralyzes an enemy in his tracks for a short period of Time.
IN ZU (Sleep)
Reagents: Nightshade, Spiders Silk, Black Pearl
This spell causes the enchanted person to fall asleep.
EX POR (Unlock Magic)
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
This spell unlocks magically locked items, doors and chests.
The Seventh Circle of Magic
CORP POR (Death Bolt)
Reagents: Blood Pearl, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
This spell enables the mage to project a bolt of lethal energy at a specified
TYM VAS FLAM (Delayed Explosion)
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