undergo the Ceremony of Bonding.
Then tragedy befell them as Hydros,
considerably displeased with the pact
between Lithos and the Pagans, sent
a great wave to wash across the city,
pulling Kalen's beloved into the seas.
As the people began repairs to the
city, Kalen headed to the Temple of
Flowing Waters.
There Kalen begged for the return of his betrothed, but Hydros refused his
request. Instead she revealed to him the image of his love in her new form,
pale and sickly as that of one of the Lurker's minions. Thoughts of
vengeance entered Kalen's mind and he visited Lithos to learn of means
for justice. He found the Mountain King eager to comply, having no love
for a rival Titan. Lithos revealed that a powerful substance, called
Blackrock, was immutable by any amount of the Lurker's powerful waves.
Kalen remembered the tales of the ancient Pagan Temple and the great
obelisk. He returned to the volcano and found in the crater the remains
of the obelisk. There, in the murky waters continually filled by Hydros'
rains, was the darkened silt of this Blackrock. Using his Necromantic
powers, Kalen reshaped the crater to prevent fresh water from entering
the Temple of Flowing Water. In addition, he melded the Blackrock into
the crater wall, preventing the Lurker from eroding away the land. He
had trapped Hydros.
Entering the Temple, Kalen was prepared to destroy both it and Hydros
by reforming the crater. His intention was that not enough water should
remain for the Titan's existence. Before he could complete the task, the
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