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Игра: Pizza Tycoon (eng)

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : Текущая : full

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Dream Syndicate DOX Division

| + Pizza Tycoon
| + Micropose Labs
| + Supplyed by: PMP
| + Full Manual Typed by : SlackJaw

| 01...........Introduction
| 02...........The Installation
| 03...........General Impressions
| 04...........Object to the game
| 05...........Ingame Keys/Movement
| 06...........Last Words

* * * *
| |..01 Introduction.......................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

First there was Railroad Tycoon, then Transport Tycoon, and now there is
Pizza Tycoon. And it's fuckin' difficult.

* * * *
| |..02 The Installation...................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

No difficult installation with this one, just unzip the 2 files too your HD
and run Install.exe. The game needs about 6.3 meg hd space.

* * * *
| |..03 General Impressions................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

The Sound : During the installation you have to select a soundcard,
although you almost don't here any sound in the game.
No music is provided, only some sound effects which sound
pretty nice.

Graphics : Transport tycoon had nice graphics, this game hasn't.
But that's not so important for this kind of game, because
it doesn't look at all like transport or railroad tycoon.

Speed : A 386 will do for this game, because there aren't that
much complicated things to do for the computer.

Playability : Like most of this kind of games the best and easiest way
to play it is with The mouse. Just click on the icons and
everything will work fine.

* * * *
| |..04 Object of the game.................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

The object of the game is start a pizzeria, on some place on the globe, make
the best pizza's, and rule the pizza scene.

* * * *
| |..05 Ingame Keys/Movement...............................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

Okay here we go.

When starting the game you get 4 choices:

Start an OLD game -> Load a saved game.
Start a NEW GAME -> Begin a new game.
Highscores -> View the Highscores.
Options -> Turn some options on/off like music, gfx etc..

Okay lets start a new game.

When starting a new game, 3 options are possible:

Free Mode -> do whatever you want to do
Mission Mode -> You get a specific mission what to do in the game
Quickstart -> Start a game fast.

When choosing one of the above options you must select a character.
Watch out at this point!

You can choose a character that has lots of cash, but maybe his popularity
isn't that good. So choose someone who has quite a lot of cash but also has
a good popularity. Or use a trainer.

At this point you can also change your characters name, and on the right you
can select a name for your pizzeria, or make your own name.

When you have selected a good character you must select a city. You can only
choose city's in west europe or in the east of the USA. When you have done
this the actually game begins.

Now you get a map of the city, with on top of it 4 options, in the right a
black field with some info, and 9 icons.
Lets start at the top of the screen with the 4 options you can choose.

The first one is PLAYER.
By selecting this one you get a list of all your rivals and yourself, by
clicking on one of your rivals you know where his pizzeria is.

Next one is RANGE.
Here you can see how big your range is to your clients, by making more
advertisements, your range will grow and more people will hear about your

This is very handy if you want to know where to place your pizzaria.
Here you get a list of bars, disco's, cinema's etc. So if you place your
pizzaria near a bar or disco you will have more clients.

Here you can see which houses are for sale. for rent, or not available.

Lets go to the next part of the screen on your right.

Here you can see:
- In which city you are in
- Name of your pizzaria
- Number of restaurants
- Number of recipes
- Number of contracts
- The amount of money you have

Now the bottom right of the screen.

Here you see 9 icons:

- View Map / View map of the world
- Character / View characters points, names, money, etc....
- Disk options / Save game, quit
- Advertising / Advertise in papers on tv, flyers, posters
- Market research / economy, area type etc..
- Newspaper / Watch the latest news and Pizza trends.
- Global Stats / Profit, costs etc..
- Terminal / Phone some people
- End turn / go tho the next day


Let's explain some of the above points further.

When you choose character you again can select some other options.

Character values - Watch the health, energie, popularity of your character.
Company - In which cities you have pizzaria's
Curriculum Vittae - What have you done since you started your pizzaria
Position - Your main goal is to make you pizzaria as succesfull as
possible, but you also have to infiltrate in the local
mafia. So that you get all the pizzaria's in town. By
selecting this option you can see how your doing in the
local underworld but also in the social class.
Awards - How many stars does your pizzaria has. By giving the pre-
sident some money he will vistit your pizzaria and give
you a STAR if he likes you restaurant.
Target CV - This is only possible in mission mode. Here you can see
How far you are in achieving your mission.


Area info - See how many children, elder people or other kind of
people live in that area. this is important as you go
make your pizza's, because children like other pizza's
then grown up people. Here you can also see the type of
zone (Business or children) and the avarage income people

Property Info - How many rooms are for sale or for rent in that area.
Economy - See how the economy is, like inflation and more..
Customer taste - Important if you go make your pizza's
Trends - See what pizza ingredients are IN or OUT.
Pizza charts - Which pizza's are most popular
Market share - How many % of the pizza market do you own.


I'm not going to explain all of these options, they all look the same. You
can see how much profit you made, how the sales were etc..


This option is very important here you van phone some important people like:

Real estate agent - here you can buy or rent a room for your pizzaria.
Bank - Get a loan for if you want to buy a room
Insurance - Get an insurance like fire, burglary etc..
Authorities - Phone the president if he wants to visit you pizzaria, so
your pizzaria gets more stars.
Other - Phone the mafia, for buying weapons, rats or smelly
cheese to boycot your rivals.


Okay after you bought yourself a descent room for you pizzaria lets take a
look inside.

The restaurant is divided in 2 seperate rooms. On the left you have the
kitchen, on the right the restaurant itself.

On the left part of the screen you see the restaurant kitchen itself.
on the right again the black screen with now other info like market share,
how long people have to wait for their pizza etc.

and again 9 icons.


Open or close your pizzaria. NOTE : you first must have 3 pizza's before you
can open your pizzaria.

Here you van buy your ingredients. You van buy:

Vegetables, Fruit, Cheese and Meat.
You can all buy them in different price and quality classes. When you start
with less money the best thing to do is buy cheap things. If you grow bigger
then think about the quality.

Pizza Sales - Here you can see what pizza's you have on your menu and
what they cost.
Customer Ratings - What kind of pizza's do customers like best. (children
like other pizza's then elder people.
Remove Pizza - If a pizza is not a trend then remove it from your menu
with this option.

Furniture - Buy tables and chairs for in your restaurant. Again there
are different price and quality classes.
Kitchen Ware - Here you can buy ovens and that kind of things.
Extra - Buy flowers, candles, chocolate machines, telephones etc..
Floring - Select a type of floor you like.


Chefs - Here you van select a cook, watch out who you choose. If
someone has for cooking 80% but for health 5% he's not
that qualified for cooking. So again choose a character
that is qualified for both.

Waiters - The same as above.
Manager - This comes in handy if you go expand you business, and
start more pizzaria's in another city. This person will
take care of everything you normally do.
Fire - Fire someone if his work is bad.
Wages - How much may your employees earn.
Training - If you want to improve someones quality use this one.
Recruit - With this option you can select someone to come and work
for you.


View Pizza - See how your pizza looks like.
Ingredients - See what ingredients are in the pizza and how muuch your
pizza weights.
Bake Pizza - If you want to open your restaurant you must have at least
3 pizza's. with this option you can make you own pizza.
Again watch the Black screen on your right, to see if all
ingredients are used. Your pizza must have a good appea-
rance, so you can sell it for a higher price.


First you have the daily, weekly and monthly balance, they all say the same
only for a longer or shorter period.

Custommer Stats - Watch how may people you had in your restaurant.


This option is the same as the one in the main menu. You can call different
people from your terminal.

* * * *
| |..06 Last Words.........................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

Well I hope you get any info out of Dox. I used a character editor to
practice the game. The best thing to do is start very very little and try
to make something out of it.

Hope you enjoy the game it's nice only a bit hard to play.

Greets, SlackJaw

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