Q. What is the purpose of an FAQ?
A: The whole idea behind an FAQ is to provide a single place where most o
the questions about a game, or whatever, can be restated and answered
in Laymen's terms, to destroy any confusion the can and does results
from playing a game, or whatever.
Q. What is Privateer?
A: It is a stand-alone game that is part of the Wing Commander series of
games created by Origin Systems. It is a type of flight-simulation
computer game with a few wrinkles. The basic idea behind the game is
simple, you are a "Privateer" flying in and around the Gemini system
(futuristic space) with many possible objectives in mine, depending
entirely on the "type" of Privateer YOU choose to be. There is a set
plot to follow, but you are in no way ordered to to make this your one
and only objective.
Q. How do you get Privateer?
A: This game has been out for some time, most "reputable" software distri
butors either have the game in stock or can order it for you.
Q. Where can I get the FAQ for Privateer?
A: for now, this is it. The creator does not have access to upload to an
ftp site. If you have the ability, feel free....I only ask that the
contents be kept cohesive and the entire file become as one. :-)
Q. I am having trouble getting anywhere in this game, what am I doing wrong?
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