Vanderbilt and Westinghouse seem to win the most if I don't. Make it easier on
yourself and pick one of their portraits and take out a tough competitor.
2.9) Train Buying / Swapping
The double whammy is my favorite. It requires you to have one 4 train and
usually a 3 as well, by your primary corporation. You start up you second (or
third) corporation with par value 100. You buy a 3 train from your primary
line for as much bucks as you can while still allowing the company to buy a 6
train as well. The six will eliminate the 3 you just bought off your primary.
Then you must strike immediately with your primary to trade in the 4 train for
the diesel ($800 - the good price). This will knock all you opponents out of
trains (3 and 4 trains are now obsolete). Since they have no trains, their
stock will take a hit without paying a dividend and make them yank money out
of their treasury to buy trains as well.
This strategy is kind of tough to work out. It can't be done each game but I
always try to jockey myself into position for it. A couple of tips :
after you buy the 6, another six is available. If a corporation does not have
enough money to buy any of the remaining trains it must buy the lowest train.
i.e. (can't buy a diesel)
In the same vein, if any corporation(s) between the 2 of your lines has a 4
train but doesn't have $800 it can't trade in. Those corporations with 2
trains (their allotment) can't trade in either ?????? I think.... I need a
ruling. The average level is not big on pushing for diesels. A corp with a 4
and a 6 can trade either to a Diesel for $800. (ST)
The corporation can only raid the barons treasury if he has no trains.
Look at the stock screen to fine the order of the operating round. Remember if
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