Libation for an affectionate puppy called Sounder--champagne bottle in Dutton's room
(LIQUOR ("Libation") is a homophone ("Sounder") of LICKER ("affectionate puppy"))
Animal sullied street--Irish setter (rightmost dog in painting in Game Room)
(SETTER ("Animal") is an anagram ("sullied") of "street")
Jfcr vx qctf, Zay rm umy kcytd. E dcgf dcurb keyd kdetd ym wmauy, Zay dcgf um tjmytd. E dcgf
um iflb cur xfy E jau. Eq kf kfjf jficyfr Xma'r zf ydf bmu mq vx bmu.--grandfather clock in
(This is a letter-substitution cipher for "Read my face but do not watch. I have hands
with which to count, but have no crotch. I have no legs and yet I run. If we were
related, you'd be the son of my son," referring to a grandfather clock )
Zu gotdy od mpy nrmy stpimf. zu drvpmf zrsmd aogy jrt iq pt viy jrt yp yjr htpimf--straight
razor on side of tub in Bathroom
(This is a letter substitution cipher for "My first is not bent around. My second means
lift her up or cut her to the ground. The first is STRAIGHT, and the second is RAZOR,
which sounds like either "raise her" or "raze her")
Fruit Loop on stove--orange in painting of fruit bowl, Dining Room
(ORANGE ("Fruit") is O ("Loop") on RANGE ("stove"))
Dreams abound of arming the rebels. What of nocturnal horses' schedules?--"Nightmare", the
painting over the fireplace in the Knoxs' bedroom
(NIGHTMARE is NIGHT ("nocturnal") on MARE ("horse"))
A distant, ancient Castle Keep\This famous Prince a place to sleep\To sleep, perchance to
dream\of an upset teagarden indochine--Great Dane in painting on Library wall, to the left
of the fireplace
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