ALIFALAFEL :gives all powerups.
ALMIGHTY :invulnerability.
BITTERSWEET :creates a warping effect on the screen.
CURRYGOAT :gives all keys.
EATANGELOS :weapons home in on targets.
ERICAANNE :walls and floors deflect weapon fire.
FREESPACE :warp to any level (1 to 24).
GODZILLA :weapons do maximum damage.
GOWINGNUT :psycho Guide-Bot.
HELPVISHNU :gives second guidebot or resurrects if dead.
JOSHUAAKIRA :gives complete map of current level.
LPNLIZARD :weapons home in on targets.
MOTHERLODE :gives all weapons and full ammunition.
PIGFARMER :type once to show "Hi, John!!!". Reduce screen size and type again to show "Bye, John."
ROCKRGRL :gives full automap.
SPANIARD :first use: kills all robots in current mine. second use: kills the boss robotor the Guide-Bot if there is no boss. third use: kills the Guide-Bot.
WHAMMAZOOM :level warp.
ZINGERMANS :gives invulnerability.